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  Nr. 4016 de vineri, 24 august 2007 
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Crisis or deadlock?
The basis-group in the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has undoubtedly got angry because the PNL (national Liberal Party) is boasting about the estimated pension raise. Therefore this PSD group is playing by the President's rules and turning into a threat for the PNL, instead of teasing the President. It is to be noticed that due to his stormy interference the pension issue has got to be perceived as a new episode of the battle between himself and the PM.
Since he is...   (33 afisari)
Romanians' complaints pile to European Court of Human Rights
Romania comes second after Russia in terms of the number of citizens' complaints to the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights). Last year the ECHR judges sentenced the Romanian government in 73 cases. As for 2007, 43 cases emerging from Romanians' complaints were already settled.
In the late 2006, the state's representative to the ECHR in Strasbourg was warning that the end of 2007 might prove overwhelming in sentences favorable...   (41 afisari)
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British strategists' advice for PSD
After their meeting in Bran the Social-Democrats have visibly changed their political conduct and this is also due to the strategists who are more recently guiding the party. A copy of the electoral strategy of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), elaborated by the British advisers from the Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, Inc. has reached ZIUA. Here are some pieces of advice from the British experts to the PSD: stop fighting against Basescu, approach...   (26 afisari)
PSD leader: Basescu must be cautious
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leader Mircea Geoana asked Romanian President Traian Basescu yesterday to prove caution in foreign affairs and in the relations with the Moldovan Republic in particular. He claimed the Romanians in the latter country could fall victim to the recent dispute between Chishinau and Bucharest officials.
It was a reply to the President's statement last Tuesday, according to which Romania would give a "very tough...   (22 afisari)
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Patriarch was called to death
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