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  Nr. 4004 de vineri, 10 august 2007 
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The Red Dragon's tail
Political boycott on the Olympic Games is a custom. Here are some historical facts.
In 1936, the Nazi rulers of Germany tried to turn the Olympic Games into a political springboard to state an ideal such as the Arian race's supremacy. Just one year before, several governments and sports institutions had threatened to proceed to boycott. In the end it was only the personal political beliefs that made some athletes not participate in the Olympics. In 1956, some...   (43 afisari)
Ex President Ion Iliescu angry with prosecutors' conclusion
According to the ex President of Romania Ion Iliescu, the conclusion of the indictment military prosecutors provided to the Supreme Court is "utter aberration". It regards the death of four people during the coal miners' attacks in June 1990. The ex President claims judicial authorities displaced the responsibility for the incriminated acts from the criminals to those supposed to protect order. He commented: "The conclusion of the...   (28 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
US soldiers are here
The "Proof of Principle" Romanian-American military application to start on the Mihail Kogalniceanu base, Romania, next week signifies the official beginning of US troops' presence on Romanian territory. The exercise is meant to legitimize the EU Army unit concept at brigade level. Brigades are going to train in both Romania and Bulgaria.
The application is due to start in August 17 and about 1,000 US soldiers and civil staff are to participate. At first...   (39 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian Police chief to work in America
The Romanian Police chief Dan Valentin Fatuloiu is to cease his leadership of the General Inspection of the Romanian Police. The Romanian interior minister Cristian David appointed him yesterday an attache for domestic affairs in the US. Someone to take over the Romanian Police is to be appointed after he leaves. According to the Interior Ministry, his rank will be that of a councilor-minister. (...)
Rumor has it that there are 3 candidates...   (32 afisari)
Magyars mock President Basescu
The Romanian President's opinion that the methodology used for teaching the Magyars Romanian should be changed and resemble the methodology of teaching foreign languages has caused nationalist irritation and ironical comments.
Dan Voiculescu, a president of the Romanian Conservatives, was the straightest one, claiming that to equate Romanian with a foreign language was "an offense against Romanians and new defiance of the Constitution". He claimed...   (30 afisari)
European Parliament ultra nationalists cost $ 1,34 million
According to the US publication Intelligence Report, the making of the Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty group in the European Parliament is an important stage in the radical right's attempt to seize power on the continent. The authors claim the group was achieved after the Romanian and Bulgarian extremists had reached the European Parliament. Due to representatives of the "Greater Romania" Party and the Ataka group...   (31 afisari)
EU to supply 330 million Euro to Romania
The European Commission consented to transfer to Romania a deposit from the structural funds, about 320-330 million Euro. It was the Romanian development minister Laszlo Borbely who announced it yesterday: "Last Wednesday we received Brussels consent to the transfer of a deposit of 2% from the structural funds. Furthermore, we may access a deposit of 15% for the existing projects."
Starting with 2008 Romania is going to participate in 11 territorial...   (38 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Al IV - lea razboi (6263 afisari)
 Coada Dragonului Rosu (2591 afisari)
 "E absolut esential ca Patriarhul sa nu fie obiect de santaj" (2092 afisari)
 Prea Fericitul Patriarh Teoctist, splendoarea ortodoxiei si rolul Romaniei (1810 afisari)
 Iliescu revoltat (1710 afisari)
 Pentru Olteanu, Basescu e ca Ceausescu (311 afisari)
 Romania nu vrea sa fie "second hand" pentru americani (217 afisari)
 Serbia, dispusa sa renunte la UE in cazul recunoasterii independentei Kosovo (213 afisari)
 Bursele internationale in cadere libera in urma crizei ipotecare din SUA (202 afisari)
 Patriahia il paraste pe Dinescu la CNSAS (190 afisari)
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