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  Nr. 4003 de joi, 9 august 2007 
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Who will be Russia's ally?
One decade ago the answer to this question could be found due to the relations between the Russian Federation and NATO and the emergence of the Russia-NATO Council. But things are much more complicated now.
Right after the fall of communism there was released an analysis by a group of US researchers, claiming that Russia had ceased all claims to get status as a super-power, if not for good, at least for a long time. The arguments were both political and economic....   (29 afisari)
Christmas likely to bring election of MEPs
Authorities are keeping the date of the election for MEPs shrouded in mystery, although the deadlines in the electoral legislation have it that the scrutiny is to take place sometime about Christmas.
According to norms, it is the government who is to decide on a date for the 2007 election of Romania's representatives to the Parliament of Europe and to announce it at least 90 days before the scheduled date.
Romanian Democrats are claiming...   (21 afisari)
Heavy rain sweeps Black Sea beaches off
Torrential rain and storms damaged Tuesday night the promenades in the south of the Romanian seaside and scattered the beach sand. The military firemen together with guardians evacuated the inhabitants and tourists from the houses and hotels in Black Sea resorts like Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Costinesti, Jupiter, Neptun, Cap Aurora and Venus. The flooding water was half a meter in houses already. Wednesday morning most tourists had to end their stay.
Resorts...   (28 afisari)
Health minister wants lawful analysis of Patriarch's death
The Health Ministry's committee now analyzing the hospitalization of and surgery on the deceased Patriarch Teoctist is about to be complete the evaluation. Just a few more elements are needed to allow for a fair and objective analysis of the pre and post surgery stages, the Mediafax informs.
The Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu argued yesterday: "I don't want to make them hurry. I am waiting to get all the data because...   (29 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Ex Romanian ambassador recommended to head UN mission in Iraq
According to the Boston Globe, the Iraqi foreign minister Hoshyar Zebari demanded the UN general secretary Ban Ki-moon to appoint ex Romanian ambassador to Baghdad Radu Onofrei a head of the UN mission in Iraq.
Here are some of the candidates at stake: Swedish Staffan de Mistura, French Jean Arnault, a diplomat who coordinated UN missions in Afghanistan, Guatemala and Georgia, and Lebanese Ghassan Salame, formerly...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Cover for Basescu
Luxten Lighting Company won the auction arranged by RAAPPS (the Self-Governing Department for Administration of the State Heritage and Protocol) for the Malu Rosu Farm in the locality of Gruiu. Since presidential interests were at stake, competitors didn't matter.
Politicians and businessmen have learnt a piece of information that Basescu's family is involved in the affair and that the Romanian President's wife owns the farm. In exchange to this 'service'...   (47 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Minciunile anti-Teoctist (6570 afisari)
 Care cu care in cursa pentru Patriarhie (3455 afisari)
 China ameninta SUA (2990 afisari)
 Paravan pentru Basescu (2474 afisari)
 Cu cine se va alia Rusia? (2334 afisari)
 Americanii nu cred in "varianta nucleara" a Chinei (757 afisari)
 Un roman si-a injunghiat fiica (325 afisari)
 Dan Fatuloiu pleaca de la sefia IGP (178 afisari)
 Georgia cere ONU sa ancheteze atacul aerian rusesc (149 afisari)
 Pavarotti, spitalizat de urgenta (129 afisari)
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