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  Nr. 4002 de miercuri, 8 august 2007 
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Popeye eats spinach
The PD (Democrat Party) is seized with turmoil. President Basescu criticized the leaders of the ivy-party. Without Basescu, the PD is history. Without the PD, Basescu has got no party. The PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) is too much of a substitute to sooth him. Therefore Basescu got angry and he ordered the PD guys to come to senses and mobilize to get back that 10% of electorate leaving the party. But the real thing to mourn is the 20% the President has lost in terms...   (25 afisari)
European ultra nationalists to meet in Bucharest
Corneliu Vadim Tudor, leader of the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party), is arranging a reunion of all the ultra nationalist leaders in Europe in People's House, Bucharest, in an attempt to save his party from collapse and the "Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty" group in the Parliament of Europe from going extinct.
The congress of the European ultra nationalist group known as mentioned above is to take place in the Parliament Palace, Romania,...   (36 afisari)
CNSAS to check on high clergy's past
The CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) is going to start checks on all the high clergy representing the BOR (Romanian Orthodox Church) and especially on those press rumored candidates in the election for a new Patriarch. The CNSAS intends to accomplish the checks by September when the election is due.
Yesterday the Romanian Civic Forum was very critical of the CNSAS slowness, claiming the institution was keeping...   (35 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Civic Media demands inquiry on Patriarch's death
The lawyers of the Civic Media Association wrote a criminal complaint to the Romanian general attorney Laura Codruta Kovesi yesterday, asking for an inquiry on the unclear circumstances of the Romanian Patriarch's hospitalization and death, following after or during the surgery performed by a team of doctors coordinated by Ionel Sinescu and Dan Tulbure.
The authors argue in the document: "For the truth's sake we are demanding...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
2 Romanians die in Venice
2 Romanian tourists died in Venice after having been knocked down by a car driven by an Italian woman when crossing the street to the hotel. George Duta, 47, and Mariana Duta, 45, were spending their leave in Venice.
The Venetian police arrested Paola Castegnaro, the woman driving the killing car. Tests showed she had taken drugs before getting on the car. (O.R.)   (31 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Floods follow after drought
Torrential rain and rainstorms replaced the long-lasting drought yesterday. Eastern Romania, the south of Moldavia and the mountains too were seized with heavy rains, which are to reach Moldavia and the Oriental Carpathians today. The storm swept Bucharest too, but there were no victims this time. The falling trees damaged just cars, fences and wires.
11 localities in the district of Constanta, 10 in the district of Buzau and 17 in Braila were flooded...   (20 afisari)
Iuliu Winkler appointed a minister of communications
The President of Romania Traian Basescu avoided shaking hands with the government members in yesterday's ceremony when Iuliu Winkler had the oaths to become a minister of communications. There was no champagne and the whole ceremony took about 3 minutes.
The President wished the new minister good luck. He added: "Maybe we will no longer fail to do what needed to be done in your field." He mentioned he meant the Stock Exchange...   (33 afisari)
Election of MEPs likely to take place next winter
Bogdan Olteanu, speaker for the Chamber of Deputies, estimates that the election of MEPs will most likely take place in late November or early December. It is the government who will decide on a date after talking to the political parties.
Olteanu argues: "The day of elections is to be announced 60 days before, as legal. I think there will be consultations with all parties in September and the exact date will be decided."...   (18 afisari)
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 Radu Mazare: Basescu e implicat in chemarea mea la DNA (311 afisari)
 Astronomii au descoperit o planeta mai mare decat Jupiter (244 afisari)
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