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  Nr. 4001 de marti, 7 august 2007 
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Two months ago, Gardianul and Ziua dailies published evidence showing that physician Ionel Sinescu had copied entire passages of a medical work paper published in America. Last week, the same physician was accused of having provoked Patriarch Teoctist's death. Is it a coincidence?
Almost like a premonition, our colleague Dan Coste published, on 24 July 2007, a synthesis of the plagiarism accusations in the Romanian medicine, reminding us that physicians Ionel Sinescu,...   (28 afisari)
Nicolaescu's guinea pigs
-- The National Health Evaluation Programme: an electoral experiment carried out on 22 million Romanians, and in which 300 M Euro is being wasted
The action of the "minister of the death" brings nothing new because the ensured Romanians had anyway the right to a medical examination and to a set of investigations free of charge once a year during the month they were born. Moreover, these analyses do not reveal the diseases that kill the Romanians, i.e. genital and urinal cancer,...   (42 afisari)
Ghost-like opinion poll with PD in heavy fall
-- A survey with original percentages was distributed to the editorial offices yesterday. The document, set down to "The Gallup Organization Romania" but not ascertained as such by the institute, does not contain the contact details of the sender nor those of the one that had ordered such a survey.
The mysterious "country-wide survey" is said to have been realized during 26-31 July 2007, on a population sample of 1138 persons, and has an error limit of...   (27 afisari)
Bo-peep with the resignation
-- Vladescu has announced again he would step out of his office at the Ministry of Finance, but he still hasn't mentioned when. The Liberal's statement gave satisfaction to PD in the pension war
PD (Democrat Party) sees Vladescu's possible resignation as a confirmation of their fears regarding the impact of the increase of pensions on the next annual budgets. (...) Adriean Videanu, PD executive president, has serious doubts regarding the fiscal policy of the current...   (20 afisari)
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