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  Nr. 3992 de vineri, 27 iulie 2007 
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Red code, orange code
Mr. Basescu's interview for 'Politique Internationale', a magazine that awarded Mr. Adrian Nastase the 'Political Courage' prize a few years ago, irritated ex President Ion Iliescu, who hastily decided to write a letter at times when Romania is seized with heat. As we are under the ceaseless invocation of warning codes, we can take this letter as part of the red code. On the other hand, the reply expressed by the Presidency spokesman together with the reply belonging...   (34 afisari)
Foreign minister stands by 'sex ambassadress'
The information ZIUA unveiled about Manuela Vulpe, the Romanian ambassadress to Mexico, and her traffic of influence meant to get her a flat belonging to the Romanian state has caused scandal in the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the PM's Chancellery and Presidency Administration too. Manuela Vulpe's emails to various people in the Foreign Ministry and other state institutions show some officials pursue solutions to personal problems and...   (75 afisari)
EU estimates Romanian agriculture heads disaster
Despite Bucharest officials' statements, Brussels scientific reports show the drought may have very severe consequences on short, medium and long term. You can now read a presentation of an extremely serious document proving beyond any doubt a very worrying state of things jeopardizing Romania's survival. In statistics terms, this is about a phenomenon Romanian authorities do little talking on or they just belittle it: the continuous decrease...   (19 afisari)
Interior minister's backstage play
-- Cristian David, Romania's interior minister, served Italian mafia men. They are now owners of the largest agriculture enterprise in Transylvania due to the fact that Gheorghe Flutur, formerly a minister of agriculture, was deprived of power.
Iulian Petcu, ex board manager of the SC Agriful SRL Sibiu, who unveiled information about the Italians' company. After having been driven away from the business, he recounted how he had met with minister David at...   (20 afisari)
Nastase's project
Adrian Nastase is trying to strike back on the catwalk of Romanian politics by getting involved straight in the relations between the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PNL (National Liberal Party). In his interviews in the last 2 days the ex Romanian PM talked about the need of a transparent PSD-PNL government in the next 5 years. He warned that in case of refusal the Liberals might get under a bill and lose the Liberal PM now in power. The Liberals denied such a PSD-PNL...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Russia wants advantages from the Transdniester issue
Russia's decision to withdraw from the Conventional Forces Treaty is a clue that the country is pursuing favorable solutions to the Transdniestria and Kosovo issues in exchange for dropping this decision. It was Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu who said it yesterday when questioned by senators' defense and foreign affairs committees.
The minister was summoned to the Senate to explain Romania's view on the tensing...   (21 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Cioroianu o tine in brate pe Manuela Vulpe (6082 afisari)
 Diplomatia Romaniei, revista pentru voyeuri (3731 afisari)
 Blatul lui David (2452 afisari)
 UE prevede dezastrul agriculturii romanesti (2339 afisari)
 MIRA se pregateste pentru Spatiul Schengen (2325 afisari)
 Papa recunoaste dovezile care confirma teoria evolutiei (608 afisari)
 Basescu: "Cu mama si cu socrii ma vad des si nu vreau sa le spun: Mama, v-am mintit!" (317 afisari)
 SUA mentin vizele pentru romani (255 afisari)
 Ion Iliescu, cautat in arhiva SRI, SIE si KGB (186 afisari)
 Ping-pongul expluzarilor intre Moscova si Londra continua (124 afisari)
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