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  Nr. 3990 de miercuri, 25 iulie 2007 
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They fight each other on planes while the cattle die of hunger
Romania suffers from the drought, while the Presidency and the Government contend in petty politics statements, far from reality and more embarrassing than ever. The object consists in the two super-sophisticated airplanes over which both institutions had convened, and the Supreme Council of National Defense (CSAT) had agreed upon. These are planes that cost the country over $300 M. The aspect was used against president Basescu,...   (25 afisari)
Very hot years to come
-- Climatologists from the National Weather Administration (ANM) say we will face more and more often dog days. The four seasons will continue to exist, but will be ever hotter as well.
This year's hottest days represent a usual phenomenon for the month of July, the ANM climatologists say. Although the phenomenon is more frequent, more intense and more persistent as a consequence of global warming. The global warming is mainly provoked by the human activity that has...   (30 afisari)
PD - 49%, PSD - 20%
PD (Democrat Party) stays in top of the electorates' preferences, as it would get 49% of the votes if parliamentary elections took place the next Sunday. The data are included in the latest opinion barometer realized by the Soros Foundation in the course of 21 May - 4 June 2007, on a sample of 1999 persons of and over 18 years of age. The error limit of the barometer is of -/+ 2.3%. PSD (Social Democrat party) is on the second place, with 20%, followed by PNL (National Liberal...   (39 afisari)
-- Daniel Morar's prosecutors have wasted millions of Euro from the budget on phone interceptions that have officially been declared useless. However, no one knows how the information got from these interceptions have been used
One month of a person's audio-video surveillance costs the State over 7,000 RON (approximately 2,200 Euro). A number of 465 persons had being intercepted from January 2005 till May 2007. In only 200 cases, the tapping had no result able to justify the measure. If...   (18 afisari)
PSD asks for apologies relating to the airship
PSD (Social Democrat Party) ask president Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu to apology publicly to the pensioners for the insult and to abandon the project of purchasing the two luxury airships. The Social Democrats have stated, in a press release, that president Traian Basescu and Prim Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu passed to one another the responsibility on spending a huge amount - 300 M Euro - for the purpose of purchasing sophisticated...   (26 afisari)
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