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  Nr. 3983 de marti, 17 iulie 2007 
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Fight against corruption, repeatable masquerade
-- It is time the judicial masquerade every government opened against political adversaries formerly in power stopped. Who is guilty must be sentenced. Who is innocent, but charged, must get official apologizes and moral damages.
When the PDSR (Democrat Social Party in Romania) ruled, Viorel Hrebenciuc was thought to be "the measurement of corruption". After the Romanian Democrat Convention had taken over, Hrebenciuc paid some visits to the...   (34 afisari)
Pell mell seizes Interior Ministry
-- Prosecutor Santion, a personal adviser of the Romanian interior minister Cristian David, denounced four officials in the Ministry who had committed abuse at work. General Virgil Ardelean, known as 'The Fox', tops the list.
According to the complaint, Virgil Ardelean, Constantin Darna (deputy chief of the General Department for Information and Interior Protection), Cristian Baci (chief of the Juridical Department in the Interior Ministry) and chief commissioner...   (23 afisari)
Foreign minister summoned to explain attitude
The Moscow moratorium on the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty has had its effects in Bucharest. As they are preoccupied with the freezing of the CFE by decree, the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leaders intend to take attitude at Romanian diplomacy's soft response. They want to summon Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu to talk to senators' foreign affairs and defense committees. And in the meantime Russia has been assuring everyone,...   (26 afisari)
MEPs to debate on Marty report
-- Is the CIA prison scandal starting again? It may be and it may start today, after the MEPs talk to Dick Marty 'to exchange points of view'. Some of the most important committees in the Parliament of Europe, those in charge of civil liberties, Justice, domestic and foreign affairs, are having a common session. And the human rights subcommittee will be there too.
What does such 'exchange of views' call for? On the one hand, it announces that the Parliament...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Cathedral Plaza project to reach court
The Catholic Archbishopric of Bucharest wrote a criminal complaint against the persons disrespecting the verdict reached by the Court in Dolj, demanding that the Cathedral Plaza must stop being built until the case is settled.
According to a release sent yesterday by the lawyers' company representing the Archbishopric, the latter institution is intrigued at "Romanian state authorities' complicity with the illegal action of company SC Millenium...   (25 afisari)
Romanians are crazy about fashion
Romanians and Russians are the fondest of fashion in Europe. Half of them think it is extremely important to be fashionable. It is the conclusion reached by the GfK Custom Research in a research for the World Street Journal Europe, including 19 states from Europe and the US.
Still there is emphasized that it is not about clothes and accessories of latest trend. 35% of the people asked opine the shoes have to be in trend and the figure...   (38 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Capitala, paralizata (1636 afisari)
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 Nor toxic la 160 de km de Romania (185 afisari)
 Relansarea procesului "inchisorile CIA" (150 afisari)
 Razboi diplomatic fara precedent intre Marea Britanie si Rusia (114 afisari)
 Guvernul sustine ca raspunde pentru majorarea pensiilor in fata Parlamentului (68 afisari)
 Referendum bilingv pentru autonomia Tinutului Secuiesc (68 afisari)
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