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  Nr. 3979 de joi, 12 iulie 2007 
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Basescu's bluff
-- These weeks are decisive for President Traian Basescu's entire political career. Although he has been isolated for a long time now, he has every time managed to find a crack to put a late effect bomb there and divert public attention from the severe errors committed in the first years of his mandate.
According to the Romanian dictionary, bluff means to lead the adversary into error and leave him the impression that your cards are better than his. Like a great poker player,...   (45 afisari)
Heat (drought), pensions, parks and highways
-- These are the last days of this political term. Despite the summer heat, no quiet holidays is looming ahead. On the contrary, parties claim it will be 'active' holidays, for elections are approaching: the election of MEPs, as well as general and local elections in just a little bit more than a year! The elaborating of campaign strategies and the drawing of the first lists of candidates aspiring to reach the Strasbourg Parliament have therefore...
   (32 afisari)
EU and US support wanted
-- Sorin Iliesiu, vice president of the Civic Alliance and initiator of the appeal asking that Communist crimes should be officially condemned, Teodor Maries, a president of the 21st December 1989 Association, and Antonie Popescu, senior of Students' League, sent an open letter to the President of Romania Traian Basescu, the US ambassador in Bucharest and the Parliament of Europe. The authors demand support so that those responsible for the murders committed in December...
   (35 afisari)
10 years of Romanian-US partnership
One decade ago the President of Romania Emil Constantinescu and the US President Bill Clinton were launching the Romania-US Strategic Partnership in the University Square, Bucharest. It actually meant the opening of Romania's way to the NATO and the recognition of the final escape from the region under Russian influence.
The ex Romanian President told us yesterday: "In some people's history there are astral hours when there emerges a chance they can...   (39 afisari)
Transdniestria is topic for MEPs to tackle
In today's session in Strasbourg MEPs are to analyze a bill on the continuous violation of human rights in Transdniestria and the need for EU's more complex participation in settling this frozen conflict in the respective region of the Moldovan Republic. This resolution project is an initiative authored by the MEPs from the Democrat Party together with Ovidiu Gant, a representative of the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania and with support...   (37 afisari)
Geoana orders, Tariceanu obeys
-- Mircea Geoana, a president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), intends to impose a list of social measures on the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, NewsIn informs. Geoana claimed yesterday that the PSD wanted to make full use of their power in the Parliament to impose set of social measures.
While talking to the retired inhabitants of Slatina, Geoana promised not only that the new pension law would be promulgated, but also that the PSD would...   (32 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Madmen's trial
The President of Romania Traian Basescu sued the Liberal health minister Eugen Nicolaescu and the trial is due in September 7, 2007. A statement made by the minister harmed the President's dignity.
"Basescu suffers from several diseases categories as mental diseases" are the words the President complained against, asking to be paid 500 million RON damages for harm done to his right to honor and reputation.
President Basescu demands the court to decide that...   (37 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian Post Office plots huge fraud
-- Dan Mihai Toader, a head of the Romanian Post Office, is working on business to launder huge funds coming from the state budget. The institution is these days negotiating on a huge advertising contract. It is a 4-year contract reaching some 4-8 million Euro.
The money is to be sent to favored companies and its trace is to get lost. First One Communication is one such company to grab the money. It had contracts with the Romanian Post Office...   (41 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Povestiri din bordelurile naziste (4954 afisari)
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 Persoanele cu alunite traiesc mai mult (3462 afisari)
 Dezonoarea parintelui Necula (3334 afisari)
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 Asemeni lui Ceausescu, Iliescu pretinde ca singurul sau judecator este poporul (363 afisari)
 The Transformers (Transformers - Razboiul lor in lumea noastra) (229 afisari)
 UE acorda Romaniei 19 milioane euro nerambursabili pentru dezvoltare (85 afisari)
 Presedintele Basescu deplange situatia elevilor, a prescolarilor si a cercetarii (76 afisari)
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