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  Nr. 3978 de miercuri, 11 iulie 2007 
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The ghost of Adrian Nastase
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has reached a major crisis because of losing credibility and adepts. The party is now searching for solutions to get a new position in 2006, an electoral year. The question the strategists of the ex ruling party are trying to answer is how to show the PSD policies and leaders for 2008 so that the party would reach the foreground again.
Geoana has managed to confirm his powerlessness and inconsistency as politician and as true...   (25 afisari)
Transdniestria connection
-- Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu has once again proved unable to administer Romanian diplomacy: yesterday morning he attended a conference on the civil society's role in the Black Sea region, where Kalman Mizsei, the EU envoy to Chishinau, made statements contradicting Romania's foreign affairs policy, statements that minister Cioroianu didn't reply to.
According to Kalman Mizsei, the EU should provide financial support to the civic society in Transdniestria....   (58 afisari)
Pension fuss
-- Political leaders have been in competition making statements about the pension raise, each trying to show more concern about the Romanian retired.
PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu promised yesterday that the decision was irrevocable and he claimed it was not an electoral measure, especially that the governor of the National Bank of Romania came out to say it wouldn't cause inflation to grow. The PM also confessed he was thinking about settling a 90% competition for the medicine...   (26 afisari)
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Charged ex president sent lawyers to talk to prosecutors
The lawyers of Ion Iliescu, ex President of Romania, went to the Prosecutor's Office yesterday to analyze the case charging their client with involvement in the coal miners' attacks in June 1990. Lawyer Ion Neagu says it is difficult to prove the guilt of the ex President, charged with involvement in murder. According to the lawyer, prosecutors must prove that Ion Iliescu deliberately influenced some persons to commit the...   (25 afisari)
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Amnesty International wants Romanian soldiers in Kosovo sued
Amnesty International has demanded that the Romanian soldiers involved in the violence committed in February 10 in Kosovo should be sued. While protesting in front of the Parliament Palace in Pristine, the Albanian demonstrators attacked the discipline forces and the Romanian guardians had to respond by firing rubber bullets. Two people died. Despite the lacking evidence, Romanian soldiers participating in the UN interim...   (34 afisari)
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Palace in exchange to support
From now on the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) members will feel comfortable in a luxurious building to be the party's headquarters. This real palace of the PRM can anytime compete against the Social-Democrats' offices on Kiseleff Street or the Democrats' headquarters.
PRM sources say the luxurious building, once belonging to the inter war minister Nicolae Caranfil, was given to Corneliu Vadim Tudor by the RAAPPS
(Self-Governing Department for...   (24 afisari)
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