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  Nr. 3975 de sambata, 7 iulie 2007 
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Romania, the country with no projects
The accession to the European Union hasn't bestowed on us the calmness we have been longing for. On the contrary, a true storm has come. The moments of calmness are short and transient, there follow breaks and the fuss starts again. It is not clear who fight against whom, offensives crowd in from and against all ways. The political class in Bucharest resembles an intricate snake nest. Bucharest politicians may soon become so unattractive that no one...   (30 afisari)
SACEUR praises Romanian soldiers
General John Craddock, the commanding officer of Allied Command Operations, also called a SACEUR ("Supreme Allied Commander Europe"), thinks this year the Romanian military has met several targets related to the reform of the military institutions. According to the General, the military equipment will improve very soon.
During the conference held at the National Defense University in Bucharest, General Craddock emphasized yesterday that Romania joined...   (23 afisari)
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More Romanians to return from Gaza
The Romanian Embassy in Tel Aviv managed to get the necessary consents from the Israeli military authorities to take a group of 80 Romanians out of the Gaza Strip. Most of them are Romanian women married to Palestinians and there are also many children, some of them toddlers.
Most of these citizens haven't got valid Romanian papers or birth certificates. The Romanian Embassy in Israel is going to see to that the group is transferred to the...   (14 afisari)
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Pension raise law reaches Presidency
The pension raise law reached the Romanian Presidency yesterday and the President of Romania Traian Basescu is to promulgate the draft. A few days ago he announced his intention to demand the government to describe the financial resources to be used for applying the newly elaborated law.
Promulgation is due in 20 days' time at most. Before the promulgation the President may ask the Parliament to revise it, but only once. (...) (O.B.)   (24 afisari)
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Civil society is against special protection for ministers
The Initiative for Clean Justice, Pro Democracy Association, the Independent Journalism Center and the Press Monitoring Agency are concerned about the Constitutional Court's decision admitting the exception of unconstitutionality in the Zambaccian case against the ex Romanian PM Adrian Nastase. According to the above-mentioned organizations, such a decision may generate a legislative attitude hyper protective of ministers...   (18 afisari)
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Secret treasures
In Romania's lands there lie hidden hundreds of treasures. Only 10% of them were brought to light. Seekers know many locations, but they wouldn't talk because they no longer trust authorities.
"We have got very precious information, according to which only in southwestern Romania there are hidden some tons of treasures", says Ioan Blaj, one of the 100 members of the Association of Treasure Seekers.
Seekers fear the gold mafia. Blaj argues: "Important persons...   (87 afisari)
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