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  Nr. 3974 de vineri, 6 iulie 2007 
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On principles
I have found it difficult to understand why President Basescu decided to come out in a special edition of a TV show accompanied by two journalists not exactly easy to get along with. As I am aware of the risk I am taking - the President raged against those daring to comment on his statements -, I am now sketching an analysis of his discourse that can help us better understand what Mr. Basescu pursued by such a stormy interview.
Here are the pejorative words Mr. Basescu...   (34 afisari)
The Nastase argument
The Constitutional Court admitted yesterday the exception of unconstitutionality raised by the lawyer of ex PM Adrian Nastase in the Zambaccian case. The criminal case against the ex PM is to come to an end now, because the legal conditions needed to progress with the case are lacking. The lawsuit will actually stop and the case would be returned to the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Prosecutors) because in the investigating, searching and suing of Adrian Nastase the...   (31 afisari)
National strategy on political police
ZIUA has reached hot documents showing that key state institutions have been used by a small group of people using the pretext to fight against corruption and criminality. The politicians in power in the 1998-2000 worked secretly to found a National Interforce Unit, which gave birth to the self titled GOC (Central Operative Group). The group was financed for logistics by the Ministry of Finance.
In this group there were recruited certain persons...   (27 afisari)
Ex President's rage
The ex Romanian President Ion Iliescu, an executive president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), wants a reply to President Basescu's statements, which Iliescu takes for unconstitutional.
The head of state's words have split the PSD in two sides and enraged Iliescu. The latter is angry that the Romanian President put him on the 'bad guys' list, whereas the PSD group in Cluj was placed on the 'good guys' one. Iliescu insisted yesterday that central party leaders...   (29 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Complaints against abusing ministers
Senators' committee handling abuses reached conclusions on the term that had just ended. Social-Democrat Ion Toma, president of the committee, explained they received 1,126 petitions and sent 504 of them to institutions under parliamentary control or Justice institutions.
3 ministers - Sebastian Vladescu, Laszlo Borbely and Tudor Chiuariu - were demanded for explanations. The first 2 explained to senators about the way the 2% from privatization,...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
No visa needed to travel to Bosnia Herzegovina and Serbia
From now on Romanians may travel to Bosnia Herzegovina and Serbia without a visa. They only need a passport and a travel insurance.
Serbia's general consul to Timisoara announced Belgrade officials' decision last Wednesday. As for the decision on Romanians traveling to Bosnia Herzegovina, it was the Romanian interior minister Cristian David who announced it after the first day of the reunion of interior ministers in...   (41 afisari)
French companies invest 3,5 billion Euro in Romania
The total of French companies' investments in Romania reaches 3,5 billion Euro, but the real funds invested may be even larger, said Herve Bolot, the French ambassador in Bucharest, in yesterday's opening of the 4th edition of the Days of France in Bucharest. It is to be added that investments in public constructions, building material in particular, have undergone a 20% improvement this year.
Ambassador Bolot explained:...   (24 afisari)
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