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  Nr. 3971 de marti, 3 iulie 2007 
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Romania, a banana republic?
One functional feature of a classical banana republic, such as those once financed by the CIA in Central or South America or such as all dictatorships, consists in an extreme discrepancy between the standards of life and the concerns of the main state officials and of the rest of citizens. This is related to a foreign affairs policy in keeping with international standards, always searching for sources of credibilization, still very far from domestic reality.
Romania...   (36 afisari)
Democrats top vote preferences
-- According to the latest opinion poll by IMAS, the PD (Democrat Party) would get 50% of ballots, did parliamentary elections take place next Sunday.
According to the research released yesterday, half of Romanians would vote for the Democrats and only 15% would go for the PSD (Social-Democrat Party). The PNL (National Liberal Party) comes next due to 11% and the PNG (New Generation Party) is rated with 10%. The PLD (Liberal Democrat Party), the PRM ("Greater...   (25 afisari)
PD and PLD sign agreement
The PD (Democrat Party) and the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) made their collaboration official yesterday by allowing their leaders to sign a political agreement settling relations between the two groups until the elections of MEPs. The PLD takes this agreement for a first step towards the unification of right center groups, but the Democrats have showed more reserve, as they are waiting for the PLD to prove their power by the scrutiny due next autumn.
The document...   (27 afisari)
Democrats want Frunda replaced
Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, a speaker for the Chamber of Deputies, reminded yesterday that it was the Romanian Parliament who appointed Romania's representatives to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In the press release he explained that the promotion of citizens' rights and liberties was the fundamental pillar of collaboration in the Council of Europe.
The Romanian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe...   (21 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Support for Moldovan Republic
The President of Romania Traian Basescu talked to the German President Horst Kohler yesterday in Bucharest and asked him that Germany should support the Moldovan Republic's intention to join the EU in the next enlargement wave.
After the meeting in Cotroceni Palace the Romanian President announced: "I have kindly asked Mr. President that Germany should analyze the possibility to support the Moldovan Republic to be included on that list of Western...   (28 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Star of Romania awarded to Dniester heroes
Andrei Ivantoc, Tudor Popa and Alexandru Lesco, until recently the political detainees of the Tyraspol regime, are now home, in Romania. After spending 12, respectively 15 years in Russian prisons, the President of Romania Traian Basescu is to award the Star of Romania to the 3 patriots today at 4:00 p.m. "for their patriotism, heroism and moral strength."
His Holiness the Patriarch Teoctist is to award them with the Patriarchal Cross,...   (28 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Ex Romanian minister serves Macedonia
Monica Macovei, Romania's ex Justice minister, was appointed an adviser for countering corruption of the Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski, the government in Skopje announced.
In the press release there is mentioned that the ex Romanian minister's activity in the fight against corruption and judicial reforms is thought to be vital for Romania's efforts before joining the EU. There is also added Macovei's activity as an active civil society...   (29 afisari)
LATEST- In Brief
Ciuvica accuses Blaga and Frunzaverde
Mugur Ciuvica, a president of the Group for Political Investigations, has accused Democrats Vasile Blaga and Sorin Frunzaverde, ministers in the former government, of having protected cigarette smuggling.
Ciuvica has unveiled the minutes of some phone calls recorded by the Romanian Secret Service at the request of the DIICOT (Department to Fight Organized Crime and Terrorism), as well as some witness testimony in the case concerning the...   (37 afisari)
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