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  Nr. 3968 de vineri, 29 iunie 2007 
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Intellectuals and power
Mr. Sever Voinescu wondered rhetorically in a yesterday's editorial: "Is it grounded, the fear that they, in their closed circle, are quickly writing a Constitution that sanctions Basescu as a god and then push it upon us?" He then immediately answered no, as: "A condensed rational analysis of this fear irrevocably broke it up. A new Constitution will only exist if the main political forces want it and, eventually, only if the people vote for it."
Fair enough,...   (22 afisari)
We don't withdraw from Iraq
-- On the contrary, CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense) approved yesterday a supplement of 346 troops that are to be ready to join the 1625 ones around the world under UNO, NATO and EU command
The Supreme Council for National Defense has approved the package of forces and means that can be made available, in 2008, for the participation in missions of collective defense, for peace purposes, of humanitarian assistance and those of coalition-type. Practically,...   (31 afisari)
100 000 Euro for former political detainee
Alexandru Tacu, a former political detainee, has got 100 000 Euro as compensations from the Romanian State for oppression, psychic and physical torture, and violation of the fundamental human rights and freedoms.
Magistrates from the Court of Appeal Craiova maintained yesterday the decision of the Iasi Tribunal in the case of the former political detainee, rejecting by this the appeal lodged by the State, through the Ministry of Economy and Finance,...   (18 afisari)
Tariceanu contradicted by Vladescu on pensions
The deputies adopted, yesterday, with no dissentient voice, the Law on pensions proposed by PSD (Social Democrat Party). This law establishes an increase in the pension point to 37.5% starting 1 January 2008, and to 45% starting 1 January 2009. Moreover, the regulation stipulates the doubling of the farmers' pensions and an increase by 5% of the State pensions starting 1 September. The governmental officials contradicted each other about...   (22 afisari)
Temporary directors at CNA and TVR, due to lack of quorum
The PNL (National Liberal Party) - PSD (Social Democrat Party) exchange was concluded yesterday. The Liberals got the management of the CNA (National Council of Audiovisual), by the validation of Rasvan Popescu, and the Social Democrats took the leadership of the public television station, by the confirmation of Alexandru Sassu. PSD's attempt to play the Liberals a trick and to put Valentin Nicolau at the head of CNA...   (16 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Bidding with dedication
-- The Liberals and their UDMR (Democratic Union of the Magyars in Romania) partners take money out for the budget even from dry ground. Vosganian-led ministry gave the companies run by Peter Elek and Eugen Nicolaescu work to do within the National Geologic Programme
ZIUA holds the proof that contracts are being served to the clients and political allies. A list of the companies that have received funds for the National Geologic Programme (NGP) - related...   (27 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 De ce nu se ieftineste nimic? (3134 afisari)
 Cand oligarhii se bat pentru sefia evreimii (2562 afisari)
 Intelectualii si puterea (1969 afisari)
 Presedintele Basescu si placerea lui cu intelectualii (1908 afisari)
 Tudor Eliad a trecut in lumea celor drepti (1459 afisari)
 A treia alerta terorista la Londra (134 afisari)
 Rachetele iraniene pot lovi teritoriul Romaniei (76 afisari)
 Chiuariu respinge afirmatiile privind eliminarea din raport a datelor pozitive despre DNA (54 afisari)
 Adolescentii, victime ale violentei online (50 afisari)
 Presedintele autosuspendat al Israelului, Moshe Katsav, a demisionat oficial (42 afisari)
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