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  Nr. 3964 de luni, 25 iunie 2007 
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Stupidity rules
Romania has got the most stupid government it has ever had after 1989. When I say 'stupid', I mean 'stupid'! There were governments dominated by thieves, scoundrels, villains, braggers or traitors. But such a large amount of ridicule per 1 minister has never existed before! Given the hand the Social-Democrats give to keep the government down to earth, there is no God bestowed day without the noise made by the bricks minister drop!
Minister Cioroianu is a symbol of this...   (58 afisari)
Romanian President opposes energy blackmail
The President of Romania Traian Basescu said during yesterday's energy summit in Zagreb, also attended by the Russian President Vladimir Putin, that Romania would never put up with the use of energy as instrument for political pressure. The Romanian President argued that everyone should agree energy was just merchandise, even if strategic.
President Basescu pleaded that his main message was that Romania's solution to South Eastern Europe was...   (36 afisari)
Parliamentary Assembly to debate on Marty report
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is going to open debate on the second report by Swiss MEP Dick Marty next Wednesday. The report is on secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving EU states. You can watch the debate live on http://assembly.coe.int, where you can also watch Dick Marty's press conference due next Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.
The Marty report, an official document
The voting to come is crucial....   (36 afisari)
Romanians from Gaza got home
The 31 Romanians in the Gaza Stripe who wanted to return to their country, mostly women and children, reached Bucharest Saturday night. The group had left Gaza Saturday morning, when a bus took them to the Jordan border, where they changed the bus and got to Amman from where they set out for Bucharest by a plane arranged by the Romanian government. And their adventure came to an end Saturday night.
One woman now out of nightmare recounted: "It was dreadful....   (34 afisari)
Migrating health employees
According to the research authored by the Sanitary Solidarity Federation, two thirds of Romanian health employees say they feel attracted to jobs abroad. The main target of the research has been to evaluate the medical staff's comments of the quality their professional life enjoys.
According to data provided by the initiators, the health staff's tendency is to go abroad to get employment and attractive wages. Most of the questioned say it would be difficult...   (38 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Vacuum cleaning wife
Shortly after the Liberals took over, a company belonging to the wife of Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu won the auction for a pre-campaign on the Rural Development Project. The obscure company called "Conen Consulting" with Costanta Nicolaescu as main shareowner got 1,24 billion ROL (almost $ 40,000) from the state budget.
Still the money isn't much as compared to other business. The contract signed with the Interior Ministry is as immoral as...   (45 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Prostia-i la putere! (4714 afisari)
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 Basescu respinge santajul energetic (3244 afisari)
 Ucisa de urs (2619 afisari)
 Evadare din Auschwitz (2193 afisari)
 Elwood este cel mai urat caine din lume (853 afisari)
 Jurnalul Regelui Carol I (283 afisari)
 Hagi: Am semnat pe trei ani cu Steaua (119 afisari)
 Motiunea PD pe Sanatate respinsa cu 150 voturi "impotriva" (110 afisari)
 Basescu il intalneste iar pe Putin, la Istanbul (89 afisari)
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