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  Nr. 3958 de luni, 18 iunie 2007 
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Post-communist left - a history of lie
Ion Iliescu's letter 17 years after the miners' race on 13-15 June 1990 is only a fragment of the interminable lie, misinformation and manipulation by which the post-communist left has dominated our political life. There are many decades those of FSN (National Salvation Front)-FDSN (Democratic National Salvation Front)-PDSR (Party of Social Democracy in Romania)-PSD (Social-Democratic Party) need to wash out the dishonour and the evil they've done...   (36 afisari)
PIN looks for UDMR's "can foundations"
-- Gusa has written to Barosso
PIN (National Initiative Party) chairman, Cozmin Gusa, accused yesterday the Hungarian Foreign minister for having intervened in Romanian justice in the investigation case of the UDMR (Democratic Union of the Magyars in Romania) leaders. He said that the Hungarian high official had done than to protect private financial interests from Hungary that had financed the Union's leaders. Gusa announced he has sent a letter to...   (26 afisari)
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Revolution and miners' races files, at crossroads
The 21 Decembrie Association, the Civic Alliance and the Students' League ask - by means of a letter sent to president Basescu and to the representatives of the European forums - for support in the files concerning the revolution and of the 1990 miners' race remaining in the custody of the military prosecutors. The signatories of the letter consider that the handing of those files to the civil parquets would delay for an illicitly...   (27 afisari)
Cioroianu promised to resign if the media was right
The head of the Romanian diplomacy, Adrian Cioroianu, stated, two days ago, for the Realitatea Tv station, that he would resign if it's proven as right that what media related about his meeting with the US secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, on Romania's so-called intention to withdraw its military contingent from Iraq. Cioroianu claimed that his meeting with his American counterpart took about 30 minutes. He considers that what has been...   (23 afisari)
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Macovei's secret
-- Upon the former Justice minister's order, a team of military experts searched through the DGPA (General Directorate for Protection and Anti-corruption, the secret service of the Ministry of Justice) - SIPA (Service of Intelligence and Anti-Terrorist Protection, the secret service of the Ministry of Interior) archive in 2005, but the outcome of the investigation hasn't been made public
ZIUA daily in possession of address no113595, issued from he Ministry of Justice...   (32 afisari)
Cluj-Group threatens to resign
The executive committee of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) Cluj branch discussed yesterday the possibility to resign in block in sign of protest against the attacks it had to face from their colleagues in Bucharest. Although almost all PSD-Cluj leaders were for the resignation, the proposition was no longer submitted to vote due to Ioan Rus' opposition.
The 43 members of the PSD Cluj Executive Committee gathered yesterday in an agitated meeting...   (21 afisari)
Back-up for nothing
Liberal and Social-Democrat leaders vehemently deny the information the central newspapers published on Saturday, according to which PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has conditioned the backing-up of Tariceanu's Cabinet on the allocation of 3 million Euro to each county. The Government would give the money to the County Councils by means of the budgetary rectification. PSD leaders intend to have a meeting with the Prime Minister the following days. (...) (D.I...   (21 afisari)
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