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  Nr. 3946 de luni, 4 iunie 2007 
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How you get out of what you got into
Make up your mind about what you want: either uninominal vote or early elections! It was the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) who started this diversion, as if early elections would leave no time for the uninominal vote law. The successors of Iago and Che Guevara insinuate that early elections would prevent the political class from getting renewed, since there will be candidate lists just like so far. They are therefore claiming that early elections should...   (22 afisari)
Local elections in the Moldovan Republic
About 2,5 million Moldovans were expected in the 1,900 poll stations yesterday to elect the 900 mayors and 12,00 district and local councilors to represent 19 parties and electoral groups.
58,000 citizens were expected to vote yesterday in Chishinau and elect a general mayor and several district councilors. The future mayor was the hottest issue at stake because the governing Communists had never managed to get one of theirs take over the City...   (19 afisari)
Protest for Andrei Ivantoc
Journalists who were at Transdniestria's border last weekend wrote a protest against the way Ivantoc was aggressed while being set free from prison. There is mentioned: "As representatives of the Romanian press and civil society on both banks of the Prut River and witnesses of Andrei Ivantoc's release, a political detainees of the separatist regime in Tyraspol for 15 years, we are firmly protesting against the barbarian treatment he got from the representatives...   (28 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Minister of death
-- Eugen Nicolaescu, a Romanian minister of health, is cynically playing with the lives of 100 people. The Liberal official is refusing, although without any explanation, to consent to the functioning of a hypermodern private center of hemodialysis.
After testing the market and on grounds of Law 95/ 2006 on the health reform, the German-American-Japanese group Renamed Farme decided to invest 10 million Euro in Drobeta Turnu-Severin. 100 Romanian suffering from...   (19 afisari)
Roma teenager kills herself for love of knowledge
A 17-year old student in the village of Frumoasa, the district of Harghita, hanged herself last Friday because her parents prevented her from going to school anymore. Szomma was a Roma ethnic to turn 18 in a few months' time. She wanted to show she was able of the same intellectual achievements as the rest of her colleagues.
According to Mediafax, Szomma had been among the first to be admitted in the high school in Miercurea Ciuc. But...   (15 afisari)
Hollywood in the Carpathians
-- Backstage story of BBC series 'The Last Enemy'
The Romanian movie industry is recovering. It is not just that "4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days", the movie directed by Romanian Cristian Mungiu that has just been awarded the Palme d'Or in the 60th edition of the Cannes Festival. There is also the fact that Romanian film studios have grown more and more competitive and Romania's fame is reaching far beyond its borders and also beyond... our political disputes. These...   (37 afisari)
Democrats flourish
Romanian Democrats dominate the top of vote intentions. After the referendum in May 19 the PD (Democrat Party) has been rated with 30% more than the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), second in the top. This is one conclusion of the latest opinion poll by the Social Research Office.
If early parliamentary elections took place next Sunday, the PD would get 45,3%, the PSD would reach 16,9%, the PNL (National Liberal Party) would achieve only 11,6%. The PNG (New Generation...   (21 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 "Politia politica o comite numai factorul de decizie politica" (2013 afisari)
 Ivantoc a fost batut si inainte de eliberare (1762 afisari)
 Tony Curtis se intoarce (1694 afisari)
 Tudor Petrov Popa, liber dupa 15 ani (529 afisari)
 Cu un pas mai aproape de votul uninominal (91 afisari)
 Motiunea la adresa Guvernului Tariceanu intra luni in dezbaterea Parlamentului (79 afisari)
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