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  Nr. 3943 de joi, 31 mai 2007 
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Whip's effects
The President kept his promise. After returning to Cotroceni Palace he has taken the first opportunity to prove that Basescu 2 identical with Basescu 1. The speech on domestic affairs he delivered to the MPs, focussed on the solution consisting in the government's resignation and early elections, confirms predictions that the political crisis will go on after the May 19 referendum. It ruins the ideals of those hopeful that the conflict will diminish.
It is little likely...   (25 afisari)
Impossible solution
The only honest solution is the government's resignation and early parliamentary elections, the President of Romania pleaded yesterday. Still after having talked to the parties he admitted that early elections weren't a solution to put up with for most parliamentary parties, even if sanctioned by the results of the referendum held in May 19, 2007.
President Traian Basescu argued in his speech to the MPs yesterday: "I can also realize that to these political parties...   (22 afisari)
Politicians comment on President's view
-- Social-Democrats' leader Mircea Geoana: "Crisis is growing deeper"
"The targets set are correct. But the solution to an efficient government is very, very poor. Apart from solutions, we are waiting for fair terms between President and Parliament. The message sounds like revenge and political vendetta and the crisis is growing deeper instead of coming to an end. (...)"
Liberal leader Crin Antonescu: "He mistakes Romanians' will for his own will"
"The...   (19 afisari)
Plastic surgery for ANI
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced yesterday that the government's emergency ordinance was meant to modify the law on the ANI (National Integrity Agency). According to the PM, the version elaborated by the Ministry of Justice was adopted yesterday. The PM also mentioned that a Romanian official's personal properties would be under checks if reaching 10,000 Euro instead of the 20,000 so far in the project. Given this new normative document, the new version...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Frattini: Safeguard clause likely to be applied on Romanian Justice
The EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini warned the safeguard clause might be applied on Romanian Justice unless Romania made progress with the fight against corruption and the consolidation of the judicial system, the RFI announces.
Franco Frattini said he had told Romanian authorities his opinion on the strong and weak points of the law on the National Integrity Agency.
The EU Enlargement Commissioner...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Secret power
General Rogojan, formerly a chief of Iulian Vlad's office, has unveiled precious information for ZIUA. In the interview you can read in today's newspaper the General speaks about the way politicians used the secret services to keep power.
General Rogojan, a person illustrative of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) and a former general in the SRI (Romanian Secret Service), a man who heard and did a lot, makes clear the reasons for the guerilla...   (28 afisari)
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