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  Nr. 3942 de miercuri, 30 mai 2007 
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Missing project
It seems the European Union has got into trouble. Haven't it done so, it could have led a peaceful life from now on. The violence in Bulgaria is above expectations, given a country inhabited by 7 million people. Only in 2006 in Bulgaria there were committed 120 attempts to murder by explosives, 40 assassinations and 64 robberies in which weapons were used. As for the word "Romania", it is almost synonymous to "corruption" because of the Western mass media and the EU structures.
But...   (32 afisari)
Brussels may go on monitoring Romania
The European Commission's report due in June 27 may include the decision that Romania's fight against high level corruption will continue to be under monitoring, even if the intermediary reports authored by Brussels authorities are positive. Adrian Ciocanea, a head of the Foreign Affairs Department, announced it yesterday. He denied the possibility expressed by Romanian Social-Democrat Victor Ponta, claiming the European Commission was likely to sanction...   (27 afisari)      1 comentariu
No appetite for art
The 2006 Barometer the Romanian Ministry of Culture released yesterday uncovers Romanians' lack of appetite for books, movies and art. According to the research, Bucharest inhabitants consume more cultural products than Romanians in other regions. The number of citizens in contact with forms of culture reaches an average of 20%. As for Bucharest, it goes up to 60%. Television and radio still prevail on the private consume of cultural products.
Sandra Brown beats...   (23 afisari)
Waiting for Basescu
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has started talks with the other parliamentary parties, although not sure of what the party wants: power or opposition. The only target the PSD officials agreed on yesterday was to promote left projects specific for the party doctrine. As for the bill against the government the Democrats announced, yesterday the PSD leaders insinuated they wouldn't join the initiative. As for President Basescu, he is to address the Parliament today, the...   (24 afisari)      1 comentariu
Liberal vendetta
-- Romanian Liberals' battle for power is being fought inside the party. The group in Cluj was annihilated by the group in Bihor with help from the wing in Iasi, headed by Relu Fenechiu.
Together with deputy Cornel Popa, the FruttiFresh guy Catalin Micula got the best of the building business in Transylvania and removed the regional center of the Building Inspection from Cluj to Oradea. Tariceanu's Cabinet decided relocation, although the district of Cluj is the...   (37 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Justice minister summoned to Parliament
Romanian deputies' human rights committee decided yesterday to summon Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu and Alexandru Serban, head of the National Administration of Prisons, to a meeting on abuses committed in Romanian prisons.
Committee members decided it after Pater don Demidoff, president of the Moral Renaissance League, had complained that detainees in the Codlea prison were tortured, claiming he had statements on abusive treatment...   (27 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Health minister wants smoking banned in EU
While in Brussels tomorrow the Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu is going to propose a directive expressing Romania's support for banning smoking in closed public spaces. The regulation would come into force in July 1, 2008, but with a 5-year exception for bars, clubs and half-presidential areas to house separate and aired smoking areas. The minister is also going to argue that smoking should be settled by a new directive of the...   (23 afisari)
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 Si totusi, Verestoy a fost la sedinta (82 afisari)
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