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  Nr. 3941 de marti, 29 mai 2007 
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Farce at Cotroceni Palace
Has the re-established president been wrong when convoking, at Cotroceni Palace, a consultation with the parties on some major themes? Have the parties that honoured the invitation been wrong? Or has the party having ignored Basescu's invitation been wrong? Or maybe those taking part in a new sinister have been wrong, as its final purpose was to deceive the citizen? We may analyze the meeting the head of State has initiated at Cotroceni Palace as a first major...   (28 afisari)
Golden palm
Cristian Mungiu's sensational performance should scatter to the winds the Mafia in the cinematography, patronized by minister Iorgulescu, who put spokes in the wheels of the movie that has been awarded the Palme d'Or
The jury Iorgulescu had chosen for approving the funding of the "4 luni, 3 saptamani si 2 zile" (4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days) project ranked Mungiu's proposition on the 4th place. A film made by Sergiu Nicolaescu had occupied, as usual, the first position in...   (24 afisari)
Letter scandal
Victor Ponta states that the minister of Justice wants to modify the Law on ANI (National Integrity Agency) because of the letter he might have received from Franco Frattini. Tariceanu and the minister of Justice deny the existence of such a letter.
The hypothesis of a letter sent by the European Union officials, by which the Romanian authorities would be drawn attention upon the risk of enabling the safeguard clause on Justice, generates new controversies. After the minister of...   (27 afisari)
Corruption in the MoFA
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is carrying out an analysis on several cases of corruption in which diplomats would be involved, announced yesterday the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ilie Banica. According to him, detailed data on these cases cannot be communicated. However, he added, there are "clear evidence" regarding an "incorrect conduct, as reported to the professional standards", of several individuals from Romania's diplomatic and consular corps.
In the Board...   (32 afisari)
In heaps for the governing
Basescu met yesterday all the parties. All of them, except for PD (the Democrat Party), flee from the early elections and wish they ruled the country from Victoria Palace. Politicians' desperate approaches to get into the electorate's good graces make them look ridiculous most of the times, and the effect is quite opposite to the expected one
In the electoral campaign for the referendum we have witnessed petty politics and populist speeches quite grotesque. Political...   (26 afisari)
Consensus on declassification of the Communist Party Archive
Both President Traian Basescu and PM Tariceanu spoke yesterday about the need of declassifying the documents of PCR (Romanian Communist Party) and there were favourable signs from the main parliamentary parties. Not only PNL (National Liberal Party) and PD (Democrat Party) plead for this approach, as favourable signs came also from PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and UDMR (Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania). "It is normal that...   (17 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 PSD someaza PD: Anticipate sau uninominale (210 afisari)
 Putin isi arata rachetele sistemelor antiradar americane (209 afisari)
 Cultura la romani, investitie nerentabila (92 afisari)
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