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  Nr. 3937 de joi, 24 mai 2007 
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   (63 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu attacks CNCD sanction
-- The National Council for Combating Discrimination (CNCD) decided yesterday to sanction President Traian Basescu by a warning, for having used the words "stinky gypsy" against a journalist. The Council has decided that the words used represented discrimination.
"The College has decided to give him a warning as, according to the identification we have established, only a warning could have been applied, the law, namely Article 2 (4) of the Government's...   (18 afisari)
Uninominal voting, in autumn
-- Social Democrats, Democrats and Liberals have agreed upon a formula of an Electoral Code
PNL (National Liberal Party) vice-chairman Mihai Voicu stated yesterday that the uninominal voting system might be adopted in the first month of the parliamentary autumn session and mentioned that this system cannot be applied at the scrutiny for the European Parliament. "PNL, PD and PSD representatives agreed, Tuesday, on a neutral ground, at the siege of the...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Heads of communist jails, under criminal investigation
-- The Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes in Romania (Ro. IICCR) has lodged at the Military Parquet a criminal complaint against 210 former heads of communist jails by accusing them of having committed genocide.
The 210 former commanding officers of penitentiaries, penal settlements and work camps where political prisoners were detained during the communist era, have been identified by the experts of the Institute...   (21 afisari)
Constitutional Court validated referendum
The Constitutional Court has decided with no dissentient voice that the organizational procedure of the referendum has been observed and that a majority of the votes expressed for the removal from office of the president hasn't have a quorum, so that, the interim at the presidency ceases when the Court's decision is published in the Official Gazette. The chairman of the Court, Ioan Vida, has stated, in a plenary meeting of the Parliament that, according...   (20 afisari)
Bahamas account
-- US $500,000 have disappeared without a trace from the account of Petroklav Inc. Bahamas, a company set up at the order of the ex-minister Traian Basescu in 1991, for the "Petromin" affair
Anti-corruption prosecutors haven't managed to find out who took the money, but they have discovered stunning evidence. Basescu was a Chief Executive Officer and then resigned from the Petroklav Inc. Bahamas board in October 1992. He gave up this position shortly after the US $ 500,000 was transferred...   (31 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Contul Bahamas (4045 afisari)
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 Celebritati respinse de Harvard (2035 afisari)
 PSD vrea scaunul lui Tariceanu (2034 afisari)
 Brancusi expus la Moscova (318 afisari)
 Procurorii DIICOT nu pot fi audiati de parlamentari (160 afisari)
 Sunshine (79 afisari)
 Pentru o politica externa a Uniunii in linie cu asteptarile cetatenilor (66 afisari)
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