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  Nr. 3931 de joi, 17 mai 2007 
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Basescu II
According to my estimation, Basescu will manage to fool Romanians with the right to vote and he will win. Therefore he will return to Cotroceni Palace. What is to come after May 19? Basescu I said there would be no Basescu II, therefore he won't change his conduct. Let's try an analysis of the two years and a half left until the next presidential elections?
Before the abrupt start of the political crisis, Romania was torn between two centers of power: Tariceanu and Basescu....   (35 afisari)
Lustration turns into priority
A lustration law, dialogue between Romania's President and former Presidents and King Mihai too are the main topics Traian Basescu opened last Tuesday on Realitatea TV station. The suspended President pleaded that a lustration law should pass so that the condemnation of communism would be complete.
Ion Iliescu, Romania's ex President, replied that people shouldn't be condemned for their past or for their parents' past. As for dialogue, Iliescu claims he...   (32 afisari)
EU officials crowded to CSM meeting
A premier in the history of the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) took place yesterday. Eight diplomats representing embassies of EU states and other important European institutions attended the meeting of CSM prosecutors to make sure of the "respect for democracy". It was decided that the Romanian Justice minister's request that DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) prosecutor Doru Tulus should be revoked would be settled after CSM checks on the...   (20 afisari)
Macovei: Lying offensive against my statement on properties
Monica Macovei, formerly a Justice minister in the Romanian government, wrote a letter to Tudor Chiuariu, right now a Justice minister, demanding him for explanations on his decision to delete her statement on personal properties from the Ministry's website. Macovei claims this to be a means for "lying offensive" of political nature against her.
In her letter there is mentioned: "I assume that the decision of the present Ministry...   (21 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Macovei criticizes Parliament and government in Die Welt
In the interview to the German daily Die Welt, Monica Macovei, Romania's ex Justice minister, confessed the Romanian Parliament and government made her feel embarrassed.
In the paragraph opening the report there is mentioned that Monica Macovei is critical of the corrupted plots in her country, claiming the reforms stopped after Romania's accession to the EU. As for solutions, she opines sanctions against Romania would...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Campaign to do away with US visas
Romania is going to take part in an action of EU states meant to do away with the US visas needed for reaching the US territory. Romania's support for the Visa Waiver Program of the US Administration was approved of in yesterday's meeting of Romanian government members.
The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to proceed to a consulting contract with an US company in the field. The Ministry's budget for 2007 and 2008 is to cover for the...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Money laundry operation
Traian Basescu's brother hid the money so that the suspended President would look clean in the elector's eye.
Traian and Mircea Basescu laundered money via complicated real estate operations. The Romanian President and businessman Costel Casuneanu bought the very same day two pieces of land close to a luxurious Bucharest district. Basescu paid $ 17,5/ 1 square meter, although the market price was about $ 100/ 1 square meter or even more. The money came...   (34 afisari)
Most Romanians support suspended President
77,1% of Romanians say they will go to poll stations for next Saturday's referendum. 79,1% of citizens claim they will vote against the dismissal of Romanian President Traian Basescu. These are the main conclusions of the latest opinion poll by INSOMAR and Metro Media Transylvania.
According to the research, most adepts of those parties who decided to suspend President Basescu, except for the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), are against...   (27 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Fratele "Nufarul" (2706 afisari)
 Cum o sa votez pe 19 mai (2460 afisari)
 Geoana: PD si Basescu intoxica votantii la referendumul din 19 mai (316 afisari)
 88 de minute (88 Minutes) (91 afisari)
 Biserica Ortodoxa Rusa, unificata dupa 80 de ani (75 afisari)
 The New York Times: Instabilitatea politica va dura pana in 2008 (73 afisari)
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