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  Nr. 3925 de joi, 10 mai 2007 
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Poisoned statements
Hoping that citizens would decide to send him back to Cotroceni Palace, Traian Basescu addressed Romanians again during prime time last Tuesday. And he misinformed them grossly out of too much respect. The example I am now developing on is unarguable and it shows the manner in which a degraded President is trying to persuade the people he disdains that he is right.
The Honorary Council of the Romanian Press Club had a meeting with Traian Basescu as guest in 2005....   (37 afisari)
Basescu's arguments
An achievement such as to get Justice rid of political influence was one of the actions that disturbed some most. This is what Traian Basescu, Romania's suspended President, claimed in Tuesday's evening show on the public television, called 'Between Good and Evil'.
Here is his comment: "The third aspect that disturbed some was that, together with Monica Macovei, we managed to get Justice rid of political influence to a certain extent. We managed to isolate it and Justice...   (28 afisari)
Monarchy as option
Smaranda Enache, a co-president of the LPE (pro Europe League), announced yesterday that the organization was thinking about arranging civic debates on a form of government for Romania, also considering the idea to learn Romanians' opinions on the possibility to revive monarchy.
In yesterday's press conference Enache mentioned that monarchy should be one option tackled in present-day debates. Since communism is condemned, she argued, there should also be analyzed a...   (228 afisari)
Commissioner Frattini denies Romanian minister's words
Friso Roscam Abbing, a spokesman for the EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini, denied the words of the Romanian Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu yesterday, claiming that the European Commission did not ask Romania for verdicts to a certain number of corruption cases, BBC radio informs.
The Romanian Justice minister had explained his decision to revoke prosecutor Doru Tulus, a head of Section II in the DNA (National Anti-Corruption...   (33 afisari)
Justice minister's reasons to revoke anti-corruption prosecutor
The Romanian Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu claims that, apart from inefficiency, a reason for his decision to revoke prosecutor Doru Tulus, member of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), is the small number of criminal cases completed and sent to courts and the lack of any court verdicts. The minister argues: "This is the problem. It isn't only about court sentences, but about the fact that these cases haven't got...   (29 afisari)
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Good oligarchs
Although missing no opportunity to criticize businessmen cheating on Romanian economy, Basescu has built his campaign against dismissal on funds from oligarchs.
"In my bank accounts there are 4 billion ROL and over 50,000 Euro", the suspended President was telling the intellectuals supporting him. Apart from this money, there are also lots of posters, leaflets, newspaper ads and banners scattered throughout the entire Romania. And apart from such propaganda material,...   (29 afisari)
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Senators pass ANI law
All the Romanian senators voted for the law on the making of the ANI (National Integrity Agency) yesterday, after a whole year of parliamentary debates. Senators passed the law after hot disputes and they also agreed to some amendments. Still it is to be noticed that they sweetened the strict law version promoted by the ex Justice minister Monica Macovei. (...)
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu praised Tudor Chiuariu, Romania's Justice minister,...   (26 afisari)
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Bastroe canal opens
Despite the much protest of Bucharest authorities, Kiev officials opened Bastroe canal this week.
Since last Tuesday the shipping canal connecting the Danube to the Black Sea is open, after four years of works and dispute between Romania and Ukraine, the BBC informs.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest announced yesterday that there was no official confirmation of the news, informing instead that, according to the Ministry of Transport in Kiev,...   (27 afisari)
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Ivantoc and Petrov-Popa to be freed
Andrei Ivantoc and Tudor Petrov-Popa, the last two political detainees in the Ilascu group, have now spent 15 years in the prisons of the separatist regime in Transdniestria. They aren't going to be freed before early June, when their detention sentence is up. It was Valeri Litkai, a so-called foreign minister of Transdniestria, who announced it, according to Rompres.
According to Litkai, Andrei Ivantoc is to be set free on May 28 and Tudor...   (25 afisari)
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Question from Germany: Will Tariceanu's Cabinet prevent tidiness?
'Anti-corruption investigator suspended - Will the Romanian government prevent tidiness?' is the title of a report published in yesterday's edition of German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, recounting in detail the way Doru Tulus, a prosecutor working for the Anti-Corruption Department in Romania, was revoked.
The commentary goes that the Bucharest government has started offensive against prosecutors in...   (34 afisari)
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