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  Nr. 3924 de miercuri, 9 mai 2007 
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Sack the corrupted man!
I think I am realistic if claiming today is the last day when political parties who want the President suspended have the opportunity to set the rhythm and adopt a simple, coherent and efficient strategy to mobilize their electorate. Just as usually, Traian Basescu's action isn't sophisticated at all. It is brutal and primitive, but the messages he is giving people get full feedback. By claiming indirectly that those guilty of such discontent are the corrupted...   (52 afisari)
Transitory solution
Traian Basescu, Romania's suspended President, announces that after the referendum due on May 19 he will be trying to get some time until elections by negotiating on a majority to achieve the political reforms and guarantee the independence of Justice.
In yesterday's debate with the members of the GDS (Group for Social Dialogue), he argued: "Of course it is a transitory solution. After all, this majority must emerge by elections, the democratic way." Although not mentioning...   (28 afisari)
No evidence
-- Tudor Chiuariu, Romania's Justice minister, demanded the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) yesterday to revoke prosecutor Doru Tulus, head of Section II in the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), for "inefficiency". The CSM was to tackle it yesterday, but the meeting was postponed for next week.
The minister's request has opened conflict between the most important Justice officials and also between politicians. Daniel Morar, head of the DNA, and Laura Codruta Kovesi,...   (30 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
US: Don't make major decisions at times of crisis
The assistant of the US state secretary Daniel Fried commented yesterday that major decisions on national security would better not be made at times of crisis, meaning the withdrawal of Romanian troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.
After meeting with Mircea Geoana, president of Romanian Social-Democrats, in Bucharest, Friedmentioned they had talked about how important it was for Romania to go through such political difficulties....   (27 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
SRI chief denies abusive phone call interception
The parliamentary committee checking on phone call interception questioned George Maior, chief of the SRI (Romanian Secret Service), yesterday. After the questioning the SRI official argued that the institution was under very strict internal control and also subject to Justice checks and the phone call interception was used as exceptional means.
As for the questions he was asked yesterday, Maior described them as pertinent,...   (29 afisari)
Conservatives' leader claims Democrats' campaign is dirty
Dan Voiculescu, leader of the PC (Conservative Party), provided the press yesterday with a copy of the letter written by Emil Boc, president of the PD (Democrat Party), to urge prefects to take into account the "keenness" on Traian Basescu and the party in their choice for heads to rule the electoral committees. The Conservative threatened he would inform the Council of Europe against the PD leader.
In the text Voiculescu...   (27 afisari)
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 Virgil Ardelean inlocuit de la sefia fostei ''Doi si-un sfert'' (115 afisari)
 Demisii la varful ministerului Justitiei (86 afisari)
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