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  Nr. 3923 de marti, 8 mai 2007 
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War without ammunition
The referendum day gets closer. A quite relevant analysis on the strategy adopted by the fighters suggests the outcome. Basescu stands all chances to go back to Cotroceni Palace. The explanation for this result planned in advance may represent an instructive dissection on the political corpse of a coalition that is to die before growing up and who started a war without ammunition.
The display of force we witness, the odd electoral campaign for the 19 May referendum,...   (39 afisari)
Tariceanu stammers Russian
Alexandr Kondyakov's presence in Bucharest and the joining of his name to those of important Romanian officials has inflamed all the political breathing. Kondyakov is one of Vladimir Putin's councilors and Grand Secretary of the Great Russian Lodge. The first to mention him was Traian Basescu, who claimed in an interview that there were information on foreign structures interested in destabilizing Romania and that it is very interesting to know whether, before the suspension...   (50 afisari)
Sarkozy, congratulated by the two presidents of Romania
Traian Basescu and Nicolae Vacaroiu congratulated, separately, the new elected French president, Nicolas Sarkozy. Of his position of "president of Romania" Basescu sends Sarkozy "kind regards" and says: "Your election makes me happy also from the perspective of the Franco-Romanian cooperation". He added: "By assuring you of my loyal friendship, I hope I could meet you as soon as the chance arises, please accept, dear Mr.President, my...   (27 afisari)
ANI, one step closer to plenary debate
The National Integrity Agency (ANI) will only check those fortunes where an obvious difference is detected, that is those representing a difference of 10 000 Euro between the fortune initially declared and the one really achieved. This decision was adopted yesterday by the senators of the Juridical and Human Rights Committees, who have finalized the final report on the Law on ANI. The initial text provided that checks were to be made also for a 2% difference...   (26 afisari)
Intelligent services' treasure
ZIUA daily launches, starting today, an explosive series regarding the huge and exaggerated amounts of money SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service), SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service), STS (Special Telecommunications Service), SPP (Guard and Protection Service) as well as those within MoD, Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform and the Ministry of Justice dispose of
All these special services are annually allocated about 315 million Euro from the State budget....   (37 afisari)
Guide of conversation with Romanian delinquent
Infractions committed by Romanians in the Western countries have reached alarming levels lately. Italy is really shocked by the crimes some of our fellow countrymen committed in only a few weeks, many of the Italians going so far that they consider the Romanian immigrants a real "threat to the public order and the inhabitants' safety". Great Britain is another country having great trouble because of the immigrants from Eastern Europe. Approximately...   (25 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Razboi fara munitie (4722 afisari)
 Cine nu are interesul revenirii lui Traian Basescu? (3436 afisari)
 Comoara serviciilor secrete (3406 afisari)
 A murit Octavian Paler (3162 afisari)
 Tariceanu se balbaie ruseste (2974 afisari)
 Ministrul Justitiei cere revocarea unui sef din DNA (389 afisari)
 Basescu sustine ca UDMR l-a tradat pentru ca a refuzat sa intervina pentru Marko Bela (177 afisari)
 A fost descoperit mormantului lui Irod cel Mare (171 afisari)
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