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  Nr. 3919 de joi, 3 mai 2007 
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The political suicide of Mr. Mihaies
Trying to protect his head while flying after jumping from a too high springboard, Mircea Mihaies fell and perplexity followed. And then silence, at least embarrassing. The planet grows speechless when an alleged scholar, a professor and columnist of prestigious "Romania literara" (Literary Romania) claims that MPs should have the right to two mandates only. Never before has this been heard of. In the whole history of modern democracies, not even...   (34 afisari)
Voice of America
The US press has been carefully watching the political crisis in Bucharest, developing upon Basescu's popularity, the risk of cutting on economic achievements, the standstill of reforms and the failing fight against corruption.
Press monitoring shows 40 items of news were printed in the American press in March 29 - April 24 , in publications like Washington Times, Washington Post, New-York TimesChicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Wall Street...   (39 afisari)
Liberals' strategy for referendum
PM Tariceanu and the other leaders of the PNL (National Liberal Party) have settled an aggressive electoral strategy, including issues against Traian Basescu, Romania's suspended President: the Fleet case, the house in Mihaileanu Street, Elena Udrea and the Golden Blitz group.
PNL sources claim: "PM Tariceanu has urged us to be active in mass media and dismember terms like oligarchs, which President Basescu uses. He has told us to say it that Basescu's...   (32 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu: If I lose, I'll quit politics
Traian Basescu, Romania's suspended President, announced in a meeting with foreign journalists that he would quit politics in case of failure at the referendum scheduled for May 19.
But this is not the first sensational promise he has made. In April 17 he said that, if the MPs voted for his suspension, he would resign five minutes later. But he presently changed his mind, arguing that his political adversaries were plotting to prevent...   (31 afisari)
Democrats and Basescu top IMAS poll
The PD (Democrat Party) tops Romanians' vote intentions and Traian Basescu is the politicians right now enjoying most trust from citizens, according to the IMAS Political Opinion Barometer, drawn when the Parliament decided to suspend Traian Basescu, President of Romania.
As for parties, here is how they are rated: the Democrat Party - 32%, the Social-Democrat Party - 17%, the National Liberal Party - 15%, the new Generation Party - 14%,...   (30 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Open way for US troops
The Romanian Parliament consented yesterday to the request from Nicolae Vacaroiu, interim President of Romania, concerning the access and stay of US troops on the territory of Romania. PM Tariceanu attended yesterday's session too and he asked the MPs to vote for it. (...) (V.D.)   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
US ambassador advises Romania to keep democracy intact
Nicholas Taubman, the US ambassador to Romania, has recently expressed his concern about the latest evolution in Romanian politics. In his interview to "22" he argues that US authorities really trust the relations between Romania and the US, but he also outlines his concern about political games lacking fair play in Romania. The US official mentions there should be one single scenario: that on equal chances and competition...   (39 afisari)      1 comentariu
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 Cine are interesul revenirii lui Traian Basescu? (2904 afisari)
 PD si Basescu - in top (2375 afisari)
 Curtea Constitutionala: Presedintele poate fi demis cu majoritatea voturilor exprimate la referendum (318 afisari)
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 Ancheta internationala in cazul BAE Systems (57 afisari)
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