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  Nr. 3915 de vineri, 27 aprilie 2007 
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Basescu: Romania's last Communist
I am now responding to the challenge from Sorin Rosca Stanescu, my boss, colleague and, in 1990, my friend. In the editorial he wrote yesterday, Sorin Rosca Stanescu, claiming to be an adept of the rightwing till his death, praised Adrian Nastase, Ion Iliescu's ex pupil. Rosca Stanescu asked me to prove Traian Basescu 'a true Anticommunist'. But he described Adrian Nastase as 'brilliant', 'scholar', 'the most efficient PM', a politician 'at war with Ion...   (58 afisari)
X blackmail
The records sheltered in the secret archive of the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) that didn't reach the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) include names of important journalists and politicians who preach morals every day.
The statement Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu made yesterday confirms the hypothesis ZIUA expressed one week ago: in the SRI archive there are records not transferred to the CNSAS that can be used to blackmail Romanian...   (32 afisari)
Ticu Dumitrescu: Ex Securitate collaborators rule Romania's destiny
Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu claims having found in the archive of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) the names of some journalists and politicians active today, but the records cannot be reached. He comments the ex Securitate has thus managed to protect its most submissive collaborators.
Rep.: Who is it about?
C.T.D.: I expressed my intention to resign from the CNSAS (National Council for Research...   (38 afisari)
Russia grabs Romania with EU consent
Moscow managed early this week to get a confirmation of its economic influence on Romania and Bulgaria. The Russian foreign minister Serghei Lavrov, the EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Benita Ferrero-Waldner and the German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier signed a common declaration in Luxembourg last Monday, recognizing Russia's economic interests in Romania. The German foreign minister described the declaration as proof that, despite the...   (45 afisari)
Liberals wage war officially
The leaders of the PNL (National Liberal Party) decided yesterday to start work against the suspended President. The Democrats got irritated, claiming that the modification of the referendum law was inducing the idea that parties might not campaign for suspended President Traian Basescu, declared an independent candidate.
The government authors this approach. Last Wednesday government members proceeded to some changes in Law 3/ 2000 by means of emergency...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
US Embassy explains why Cioroianu was refused
The reason why there was appointed no meeting between Adrian Cioroianu, Romania's foreign minister, and US state secretary Condoleezza Rice for Oslo is the busy schedule of this NATO reunion, the US Embassy in Bucharest explains, claiming that there are talks on scheduling such an appointment. The Embassy and the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs are working on to get such a meeting as soon as possible. (D.E.)   (38 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Financial Times: Dubious eastern practices take hold in EU
It is the title of analyst Tom Gallagher's comment published in the Financial Times yesterday. The main idea is that most parliamentary parties involved in the political crisis in Romania are just "fronts" for cartels run by businessmen, whose interests and fortunes are jeopardized by the reforms President Basescu has promoted, the judicial one in particular.
The analyst contradicts the view recently expressed in...   (38 afisari)
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