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  Nr. 3914 de joi, 26 aprilie 2007 
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Offensive against legitimacy
In usual public confrontations, political or electoral, some competitors win and some lose. But when the battles for power in a state go beyond the limits of reason and of the "reasonable", no matter how flexibly we may define the latter adjective, when competitors pursue both victory and elimination of the others in a total war, not only the characters, but also public institutions, after all democracy itself, fall victims. Chaotic assails weaken fundamental...   (43 afisari)
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US shuts door to Romania
-- Once the 2nd Tariceanu Cabinet has taken over, the strategic partnership with the US seems to be going through difficult times. One first clue is the agenda of Adrian Cioroianu, Romania's new foreign minister, for the NATO reunion starting today in Oslo. On it there is not meeting with the US foreign secretary Condoleezza Rice, despite Romania's initiatives. But it seems the Romanian foreign minister had no difficulty in getting a bilateral reunion with...
   (62 afisari)      1 comentariu
Campaign against 322
-- Romanian Liberals and Democrat-Liberals will be campaigning together to support suspended President Traian Basescu. They are to elaborate a common strategy on the coming referendum. The leaders of the PD (Democrat Party) and the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) talked to Basescu at his campaign office yesterday. PD sources say one issue was the concern about the antidemocratic conduct of the antipresidential coalition.
In search of supporters
Traian Basescu claimed...   (28 afisari)
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Pro Democracy warning
-- The ApD (Pro Democracy Association) demands both politicians and institutions to be responsible and refrain from action that may discredit democracy.
In the press release sent yesterday the ApD pleads as follows: "The vigor of democracy is expressed by consulting and partnership with citizens, not by unilateral actions."
The Association expresses concern about some parties' proposal to modify the existing Constitution fast. In a pledge for reason and...   (18 afisari)
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Bastroe project strikes back
-- Bucharest authorities have recently taken action to demand Kiev for official statement on information claiming that the Danube-Black Sea Ukrainian canal is about to be completed. Corin Vintan, a spokeswoman for the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced it yesterday.
The official informed Romania was once again expressing its view, according to which Bastroe project was a break of international law. The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs...   (29 afisari)
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Overwork kills
-- A team of inspectors representing the ITM Bucharest went to the Romanian office of the Ernst&Young multinational yesterday for checks, after learning about the death of Raluca Stroescu.
The company's young audit manager was found dead in her house last Sunday by policemen and firemen alarmed by a colleague of hers. Her colleagues say she may have died because of the terrifying overwork the company's employees have to do. They claim she was intensely working on...   (958 afisari)
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Romanian captive in US
A Roma-origin Romanian citizen who got political exile rights in the US in 2002 has been in detention there for several years now, because of an international warrant released by Romanian authorities. The case of Petru Mironescu was presented in the 2006 yearly report on human rights by the US Foreign Ministry, released in March 7, 2007.
In 1997 a Romanian court sentenced Mironescu to 4 years of prison for stealing. In 1998 he left the country legally,...   (42 afisari)
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 CNSAS spala judecatorii Curtii Constitutionale (93 afisari)
 Venus (68 afisari)
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