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  Nr. 3912 de marti, 24 aprilie 2007 
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Loved, but dismissed
The Roncea vs. Sorin Rosca Stanescu case I am challenging the public with in today's edition has made me proceed to an association of ideas effecting in the title above. I am therefore stating that in one month's time even Traian Basescu's supporters will have to vote against him, that is for his dismissal, which I will be trying to prove. There is one single reason for it: this is the only way the scandal can end. A return of the "Basescu-5 minutes" to Cotroceni...   (38 afisari)
Barroso hopes crisis will end soon
Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, expressed his hope that Romanian institutions would manage to end the crisis as soon as possible, in keeping with democracy and constitutional principles. The European Commission provided the information by press release.
There is mentioned that both the suspended President of Romania and the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu talked to Jose Manuel Barroso on the phone yesterday. The EU official...   (26 afisari)
'Discreet' President seized with excess of zeal
Nicolae Vacaroiu, an Interim President of Romania, seems seized with excess of zeal. After his visit to Cotroceni Palace yesterday morning, he looked determined to settle in one months' time what a head of state usually pursues to settle in four years.
He scheduled meetings with the parliamentary party heads, the Democrats included, with the PM, the presidents of Parliament Chambers, the governor of the National Bank of Romania and ambassadors...   (25 afisari)
Post Office against ECHR
The State of Romania manages to prevent Romanians from sending complaints to the European Court of Human Rights with help from tricks played by the Romanian Post Office employees.
Post Office no. 6 in Craiova did not send to the ECHR a complaint authored by a Romanian engineer appealing against some domestic court sentences. Stelian Dodi didn't receive the confirmation at home, which proves the complaint didn't reach the destination. The petitioner informed the...   (21 afisari)
Journalist Victor Roncea as case for debate
Sorin Rosca Stanaescu is opening debate on the following question: How far does a journalist's freedom to say what he thinks go, no matter the general view of the publication the journalist works for?
I asked the ZIUA editorial board to agree to publish the appeal Victor Roncea wrote yesterday, but didn't send it to us. I think this text together with my reply can be the start of an interesting debate. Is a reporter to stay a reporter or has...   (92 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Referendum scheduled for May 19
The referendum on the dismissal of Romanian President Traian Basescu is to take place in May 19. The Romanian Parliament officials decided it yesterday and MPs are to vote for or against it today. (...)
Ion Munteanu, a secretary of the Chamber of Deputies, announced the electoral campaign would open once the Parliament decision was published in The Official Monitor and it would end 48 hours before the referendum. He explained that, according...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
The US no longer wants NATO Summit in Bucharest
The latest evolution in Romanian politics has made the North Atlantic Alliance postpone announcement on a decision about the location to house the NATO Summit in 2008.
A choice for a country host to the NATO reunion meant to invite more states to join the Alliance was to be made during the reunion of foreign ministers of NATO states taking place in Oslo this week.
According to Mediafax Agency, official sources claim the Alliance...   (39 afisari)
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LATEST - In Brief
Appeal for Vacaroiu
Sorin Iliesiu, a vice president of the Civic Alliance, is asking the Interim President of Romania Nicolae Vacaroiu to support civil society claims to learn the truth about "the massacre in December 1989 and the fratricide in June 1990". The letter for the Interim President marks 17 years since the start of protests in the University Square, Bucharest, the longest demonstrations against communism ever in history: 52 days and nights nonstop.
Iliesiu mentions...   (18 afisari)
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 Cazul Roncea (3981 afisari)
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