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  Nr. 3905 de luni, 16 aprilie 2007 
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Four mistakes
No matter his real plans, Traian Basescu made a big mistake when appointing the 2nd Tariceanu Cabinet. He did it first as head of state. He caused an unprecedented situation that can now cost him his seat. It is the only case of a president of a European state calling his own government illegitimate and thus leaving the team outside the law. Therefore any activity of the new government, both national and international, can be annulled, given Basescu's view. Were the President...   (35 afisari)
Iran v. Britain: Who Blinked?
While commentators have charged that Britain capitulated to Iran and handed them a humiliating victory in obtaining the release of the 15 British Marines last week, it would appear that something more like the opposite is actually the case. But to understand why this is so, we have to look at the larger picture of internal Iranian politics against which the crisis played out.
Our Iranian problem is actually a problem with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard...   (26 afisari)
Romanian soldiers injured in Iraq
4 Romanian soldiers were injured last Saturday in an accident involving a military vehicle. It occurred near the Iraqi city of Tallil. Cristina Dumitrescu, a spokeswoman for the Romanian Ministry of Defense, unveils the names of the injured: Victor Cornel Petrila, Alexandru Toma Petre, Iacob Valentin Musca and Dan Daniel Porumb.
The Romanian soldiers in Infantry Battalion 495 was patrolling the Nasiriya area when a military vehicle got knocked over. 4...   (20 afisari)
Italy takes the Romanian Orthodox Church for NGO
There are over 1 million Romanians who work and study in Italy. Still the Romanian Orthodox Church there has got the status of an association, like any other NGOs, as it is unacknowledged as religious cult. The main obstacle is not set by the Catholic Church, but by Italian authorities, as relations with the Catholic Church in Italy are as good as possible. The number of Romanians on legal stay in Italy is larger than 1 million. They all pay...   (20 afisari)
The President of Romania Traian Basescu has started his electoral campaign early by making use of the Church, the institution enjoying most trust. Basescu's 2-day pilgrimage throughout Moldavia started last Saturday. He reached the locality called Gledin in the district of Bistrita, where he attended the religious service canonizing Saint Pahomie. But he managed to turn it into a populist pledge about his return to the people and his joy and duty to spend time with ordinary...   (22 afisari)
Gusa to compete against Basescu for presidency
Cozmin Gusa, a leader of the PIN (National Initiative Party), announced yesterday that he would run in presidential elections as candidate, if the PIN officials asked him to and in case Traian Basescu resigned and early presidential elections were ahead. He said: "I know I can be a president better than Traian Basescu, since I was his main adviser in 2004." He mentioned he wanted his candidacy to prevent "anachronic events" like...   (22 afisari)
ALDE Bureau members to meet in Romania
The ALDE Bureau members are to meet in Bucharest and Timisoara today and tomorrow. Delegations representing all the parties affiliated to the ALDE are to attend the meetings too.
The ALDE president Graham Watson and vice president Adrian Cioroianu will be present, just as Annemie Neyts, president of the ELDR. Members of the National Liberal Party in Romania, together with parliamentarians, ministers and Liberal MEPs will attend the event...   (19 afisari)
EU discount for Romania
Romania's due to the EU budget is to be 16 million Euro lower this year because the European Commission is to return almost 1,9 billion Euro to member states. The money was neutralized in 2006 as deductions from the money owed in 2007, the Commission announced.
Given the assignments with EU authorities, Romania is to pay 1,1 billion Euro to the EU budget in 2007. The expenses smaller than expected and the income above estimations have increased the...   (21 afisari)
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