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  Nr. 3903 de vineri, 13 aprilie 2007 
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With or without Traian
Even if at bay right now, the PD (Democrat Party) isn't falling to pieces. The Democrats are going through difficult times because of taking Traian Basescu's advice and doing their best to quit power. They wanted to reach the opposition and try to win the next elections, which won't be early at all. Now in the opposition, the PD will have to deny all the decisions the 2nd Tariceanu Cabinet will make, although most of them will be in keeping with the programme the...   (29 afisari)
The challenge
President Basescu announced yesterday that he would resign if the Parliament voted for the initiative meant to suspend him. This surprising statement is part of his interview to Cotidianul daily. Romanian MPs are to vote for against this proposal next Tuesday, after the Constitutional Court provides explanations to the decision reached one week ago. If the majority goes for suspending the President and Basescu announced resignation, early presidential elections are to take...   (24 afisari)
Basescu: "The political battle has exhausted me"
It is the first time that Traian Basescu has said he may resign. In his interview to Cotidianul daily he explains some of his most controversial statements and views. You can read some fragments below.
He argues about his resignation: "There are vary many possibilities. There is the suspension and possibly the resignation, but only if the suspension is voted. I will make the most responsible decision, depending on the political evolution."...   (31 afisari)
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BBC makes up things about Romanians
The protagonist of the BBC report claiming there are Romanian immigrants in Britain who live in Hyde Park tents said yesterday in a TV show on Realitatea TV that the BBC report was a fake for which he was paid 300 pounds: "During the filming I said I had lived in Hyde Park. But after cashing the money I told the BBC reporters that I hadn't stayed there for one single night. But they didn't take it into account and now I am sorry for what I said in the...   (29 afisari)
Democrats get under shadow
Romanian Democrats announced yesterday their strategy as party in the opposition: a fierce shadow government. Taking the present government as model, the idea is meant to monitor the activity of ministers. After meeting with party officials, the PD (Democrat Party) leader Emil Boc mentioned the part of the shadow government would be to monitor, criticize, censor and offer alternatives to the new Cabinet's activity. (...)
This is just one of the...   (15 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Lawless life
The National Commission for Bioethics of the Romanian Orthodox Church is to propose next week that the Holy Synod should analyze a thorough report on assisted human reproduction. In the following meeting scheduled for June the Romanian Orthodox Church is to decide for or against it or they may postpone an official view on the in vitro fertilization in Christian terms.
In the meantime assisted human reproduction still lacks legal basis in Romania. Ovidiu Branzan,...   (22 afisari)
Trichet: Romania will adopt the Euro when ready
Romania will adopt the EU currency when ready and the European Central Bank has expressed no view on the time when the state should become a member of the Euro zone. Jean-Claude Trichet, president of this institution, said it in yesterday's press conference. He mentioned the European Central Bank didn't set a certain time for it, as Romania would be welcome when ready for it.
The official answered a question about a piece of...   (25 afisari)
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