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  Nr. 3902 de joi, 12 aprilie 2007 
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PD in great danger
I don't think the PD (Democrat Party) is on the verge of dismembering or that there will be slaughter in the territory and that the rage of the Democrats who see themselves deprived of power after the party was driven away from governing will burst out. The PD won't break or split with Traian Basescu, whom several party members are blaming for the party's deadlock.
On the other hand, the PD is obviously going through very hard times because of reaching the crossroads...   (24 afisari)
Hunting season
-- One month ago the President of Romania Traian Basescu announced that "tough cases" would soon be handled. And the Prosecutor's Office informed yesterday that authorities were opening criminal investigations in the Hidroelectrica case. Codrut Seres, formerly a minister of economy and commerce, is under charges together with 8 more people in the boards of the above-mentioned company and of the ANRE (Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority). A part of the case is the one the DNA...
   (26 afisari)
Foreign press on D.A. Alliance split and imported Chinese workers
International press continues to analyze the evolution of Romanian politics after the alliance between the Liberals and the Democrats turned to ashes. According to the German publication Frankfurter Rundchau, Romanian President Traian Basescu validated the new government in icy atmosphere. There is reminded that the Constitutional Court banned the President to turn down a minister of the Cabinet validated by the Parliament....   (20 afisari)
PSD invasion starts
-- In the few days that have passed since the vote of support, Mircea Geoana's party has managed to be at advantage with two laws. And there is also the fact that the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has eyed some seats in senators' juridical and finance committees.
The stage of politics is quite troubled, this time because politicians are making political combinations as advantageous to the governing parties as possible. After the Democrats had to let the power go, the PSD...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
No reconciliation
-- The Romanian President can see no way to reconcile with the PM. Still he says he will continue to attend government meetings. According to Realitatea TV, this is what the President of Romania Traian Basescu says in his interview for Cotidianul daily.
He argues: "I will attend meetings, I will see to my attributions as head of state. Right now the government is going through easier times, of course." When asked if reconciliation with PM Tariceanu is possible,...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu wants to protect Romanians worldwide
The President of Romania Traian Basescu demanded the Parliament to revise the law on support for Romanians abroad. He asked for a more precise approach to institutions in charge of relations with Romanians who live abroad, also demanding that the Congress of Romanians Worldwide should be organized under the auspices of Presidency.
According to the Romanian President, the present structure of governmental institutions handling Romanians...   (28 afisari)
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