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  Nr. 3894 de sambata, 31 martie 2007 
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Tensions in Kosovo reverberated over Romania
Long illness is sure death. This is the pace negotiations on establishing a statute for the Kosovo province are going on. The United States, Germany and Great Britain make pressures for an independent Kosovo moving Serbia to anger and Russia to irritation. Romania is caught in the middle of this game - in its quality of a US ally and of an EU member as well - and has to follow its own interests. Bulgaria, Slovakia, Cyprus and Greece run the risk of appearing...   (29 afisari)
Kosovo discord
EU had discussions yesterday on its position concerning Kosovo at the reunion of the Foreign ministers in Bremen, Germany. Several EU member states, among which Cyprus, Slovakia, Spain, Romania and Greece, are against granting the status of independence to the Serb province. Political conflicts at Bucharest have marked also this aspect of foreign policy: Romania was represented by the state secretary Adrian Vierita at the meeting in Bremen, as PM Tariceanu and President Basescu didn't...   (32 afisari)
PD proposes a holy reconciliation
The Democrats propose a holy reconciliation within the Alliance. The PD (Democrat party) general secretary and minister of Interior Vasile Blaga announced yesterday that he wanted "a reconciliation" within the Alliance, to save the "success governance". He made this statement in a press conference where besides the party leaders, most of the Democrat representatives in the Executive took part. According to sources inside the Alliance, Blaga's statements are part...   (26 afisari)
Valeriu Turcan, in Adriana Saftoiu's place
The president signed yesterday both the decree of release from the position of presidency advisor of Adriana Saftoiu, starting April 1st, and the decision of appointing Valeriu Turcan in the position of "state counselor at the Department of Public Communication, spokesman of the president of Romania", the Presidential Administration announced. PM Tariceanu dismissed Valeriu Turcan from the leadership of the Agency for Governmental Strategies exactly a...   (25 afisari)
Three weeks before suspension
"On 15 or 16 April we should officially receive, from the Constitutional Court, the consultative recommendation on the request concerning the president's suspension, to which the report of the inquiry committee was also attached. In 24 hours, a meeting of the two reunited Chambers of the Parliament shall be convoked for debates and vote of the decision of suspension", stated Nicolae Vacaroiu, chairman of the Senate House, as quoted by Rompres. He also said that the...   (20 afisari)
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