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  Nr. 3890 de marti, 27 martie 2007 
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It's done!
Right after Traian Baseascu made a critical analysis of the government's activity during the meeting on the conclusions concerning the activity of the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) in 2007, the PM, also the leader of Romanian Liberals, announced the decease of the D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance officially. There were two statements foretelling this denouement yesterday morning. Adriean Videanu put it bluntly that the PD (Democrat Party) would leave no minister without...   (40 afisari)
Our condolences!
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced "the decease of the Alliance" yesterday, because in the Liberals' meeting held shortly before most of them pleaded for a future government without Emil Boc's Democrats. Sources close to the leaders of the PNL (National Liberal Party) say the PM will announce the making of a government of Liberals and representatives of the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) in a few days and parliamentary procedures will start at once....   (31 afisari)
Politicians respond to PM's announcement
Boc: Democrats are ready for opposition
Emil Boc, a leader of the PD (Democrat Party), claimed yesterday that his party was ready to join the opposition, just as the Democrats were ready to continue in the government on grounds of the Liberal-Democrat Alliance Programme.
The Democrats' leader commented that the present government couldn't possibly continue and claimed the PD was willing to stay in the Alliance, but highlighting the Democrats...   (25 afisari)
Withdrawal of Romanian troops from Iraq is reason for dispute
"It is time for us to bring our soldiers back home. It is time for them to come back so that together we can build a European future for Romania." This what the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced yesterday, mentioning that he would be using all his constitutional attributions to bring the Romanian troops in Iraq home by Christmas, in keeping with a calendar set together with the international allies.
The PM explained...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
President criticizes press once again
The President of Romania Traian Basescu attended yesterday's meeting aimed at an analysis of the conclusions on the activity of the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) in 2006. He took this opportunity to criticize "certain components of the press". The head of state claimed that the press had lately been assailing him, but that he would negotiate nothing with anybody to overcome the crisis. He was brief: "I want you to know that I will have no...   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Interesting proposal
In yesterday's meeting when the Romanian Secret Service presented conclusions on the activity in 2006, the President of Romania Traian Basescu came up with an interesting proposal he might use on the choice for a chief for the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Department).
According to the President, it would be a good idea that only a politician in the parliamentary opposition should be appointed to head the Romanian Secret Service. Therefore we shouldn't be surprised...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
US shield leaves Romania unprotected
The US anti-missile shield isn't going to protect all the NATO states. The Alliance's southeastern wing - Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey - is going to be left uncovered. The NATO general secretary Jaap de Hoop Scheffer announced it yesterday.
According to the NATO official, any anti-missile shield meant to protect Europe against ballistic missiles should protect all the states in the Alliance. The elements of the shield the US want...   (39 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania to buy electricity from Transdniestria
Electrica Company signed this month two contracts to import electricity from Ukraine and Transdniestria starting with April 1. A third import contract is likely to be signed early next month, if Transelectrica Company agrees, Mediafax Agency informs.
Romania has started to buy electricity from Transdniestria although Bucharest authorities have criticized the separatist regime there lots of times and although the EU thinks the region...   (34 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Regrete eterne! (3313 afisari)
 S-a savarsit! (2946 afisari)
 "Dusmanul poporului" (2397 afisari)
 Tariceanu vorbeste feseneste (2046 afisari)
 Discursul fesenist al sefului liberalilor (1907 afisari)
 Comisia SIE a decis: Serviciul nu a incalcat legea (171 afisari)
 Numaratoare inversa pentru Iran (137 afisari)
 Financial Times: UE a inteles ca a venit timpul ca Monica Macovei sa plece (121 afisari)
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