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  Nr. 3886 de joi, 22 martie 2007 
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Another President
There were three political blows that numbed Traian Basescu yesterday. The Chamber of Deputies, playing the main role in this case, modified the referendum law so that the President of State might be dismissed if half plus one Romanians voted for it. It is hard or even impossible to assume that the Constitutional Court will reach a negative verdict after the Parliament obeyed, settling the conditions to elect the head of state in the first round.
The second blow...   (26 afisari)
Completely stuck
All President Basescu's political initiatives have now got stuck. The head of state is actually unable to do a thing. Last Tuesday it was the first time he admitted that the political crisis was reaching institutions too. The solution to the political chaos is therefore up to the Parliament, but the consultations in Cotroceni Palace proved parties didn't share view on solutions.
Basescu has also got available a choice such as resignation, which he is considering, sources...   (31 afisari)
Voiculescu's indictment
The report drawn by the committee analyzing the Romanian President's conduct in constitutional terms was adopted yesterday with 8 positive votes. 4 members expressed no opinion and one didn't attend because he had to go abroad. The Liberals and the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) representatives in the committee refrained. Social-Democrat deputy Florin Iordache read out 19 "severe deeds" by which President Basescu had repeatedly disobeyed the Constitution.
ZIUA...   (20 afisari)
Committee to investigate minister Macovei
The ZIUA editor-in-chief Sorin Rosca Stanescu asked the Senate Committee for Abuse yesterday to establish a parliamentary committee to investigate on the Romanian Justice minister Monica Macovei, claiming the latter official had committed severe abuses concerning him. When being questioned yesterday by the senators in the above-mentioned committee, Rosca Stanescu accused the minister of abuse at work and abuse against the freedom of speech, after...   (27 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
PM Tariceanu takes over foreign affairs
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced yesterday that he was taking over the responsibilities of the Foreign Ministry officials as interim head until the Constitutional Court's decision. He said he was doing it to put an end to the blockage effecting from the Romanian President's refusal to appoint Liberal Adrian Cioroianu a foreign minister. (...)
The PM argued that Romania needed to be active in foreign affairs and prove...   (22 afisari)
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanian Cultural Center in Bulgarian toilet
Whereas the Bulgarians were offered room in the art museum in the town of Calafat, Romania, they decided to offer Romania a location to promote culture: an ex public toilet.
The Romanian Cultural Center in Vidin is housed in the ex toilet of the City Hall, a surface of 10 square meters only. It is under the administration of Ivan Juvetov, formerly an employee of the Vidin City Hall. Just like Serbia, Bulgaria doesn't acknowledge...   (27 afisari)
Moldavia attracts investors
Foreign investors will be heading eastern Romania, because it is poorer and they are attracted by the low cost labor force and the small price of lands. Florin Vasilache, a general secretary of the Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments, said it in his interview to Reuters.
Most foreign direct investments have so far taken interest in Bucharest and western Romania, because both these regions have got more developed infrastructure that facilitates...   (33 afisari)
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