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  Nr. 3885 de miercuri, 21 martie 2007 
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The second Tariceanu government
The only positive effect of the consultations in Cotroceni Palace is that the views of the political parties who matter in the reshaping of the political power in Bucharest become more popular. The attitudes of the Liberals, the Social-Democrats, the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) and even the PD (Democrat Party) have grown sharper. The latter party has come back to the claim for early elections. The UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) is in a particular...   (30 afisari)
Verdict: guilty!
The President of Romania Traian Basescu broke the Constitution. According to parliamentary sources, this is the conclusion of the report authored by the MPs in the committee analyzing the initiative to suspend the Romanian President. The document is to be released today.
Committee members have concluded that Traian Basescu is guilty of breaking the fundamental law. Here are the main accusations in the report: interference in the activity of Justice and of the Superior...   (36 afisari)
Mock consultations
The President of Romania Traian Basescu mocked the political leaders gathered to Cotroceni Palace yesterday to ask him to resign or settle the crisis. He is to present the outcome today.
Yesterday's debate between the President and the leaders of parliamentary parties was fruitless. PM Tariceanu, a leader of the PNL (National Liberal Party), didn't attend. The Liberal leaders there agreed with Geoana's PSD (Social-Democrat Party) that the President was the main guilty...   (29 afisari)
Romanians own 'land' on the Moon
Almost 1,000 Romanians are owners of 'land' on the Moon, on Mars or Venus. Such transactions are achieved through the Romanian branch of the Lunar Embassy, with headquarters on Nerva Traian Street in Bucharest. It is here that authorized agent Adrian Dragan is discontented that there were bought only 10 pieces of 'land' on Venus.
Millions of outer space properties
The Lunar Embassy was established in 1980. It is headed by US citizen Dennis Hope, the...   (31 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Aubenas testified
French journalist Florence Aubenas who had shared the cell with the Romanian journalists abducted in Iraq two years ago answered the questions asked by Ovidiu Ohanesian. Bucharest Court of Appeal received yesterday her testimony required by the rogatory commission established to question the French journalist.
The testimony required by the Romanian court through the Ministry of Justice was read yesterday by the judge in charge of the case charging Mohammad...   (25 afisari)
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Bribe for Berceanu
Minister Berceanu got thousands of dollars, which the Democrats grabbed from Petrobrazi Company, while the Romanian Democrat Convention was reigning. The criminal case was called SUNOIL, but the Prosecutor's Office hid it well.
Liviu Constantin Nita and Corneliu Ruse, formerly a leader of the PD (Democrat Party) in Prahova, set business to cheat on the refinery in Ploiesti. Sunoil Company got the money from the oil company at that time subordinate to the...   (37 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
The Danube on the black list
The Danube River is on the list of the 10 rivers jeopardized by breakwaters, pollution and climate changes, announces the WWF by press release. According to the WWF report "World's Top 10 Rivers at Risk" published yesterday, 80% of the humid areas of the Danube faded in the last 200 years because of breakwaters and diking.
Warning is expressed that more than 85% of the Danube may not meet the objectives set in the EU Directive on Water Level on...   (20 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Calvarul cetateniei romane pentru moldoveni (5388 afisari)
 Al doilea guvern Tariceanu (3952 afisari)
 Spaga pentru Berceanu (3752 afisari)
 "Trebuie sa ne pregatim pentru un terorism inimaginabil" (3098 afisari)
 Politia romana ne minte (2222 afisari)
 Procedura de demitere a presedintelui a fost simplificata (362 afisari)
 ULTIMA ORA: Comisia Voiculescu cere suspendarea presedintelui Traian Basescu (151 afisari)
 Lumile virtuale valoreaza peste un miliard de dolari (114 afisari)
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