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  Nr. 3883 de luni, 19 martie 2007 
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Basescu is getting himself a new look
There are several actions President Traian Basescu has undertaken that show fear has seized him. For more than two years he has been trying to be a president-player. As the opposition is now about to turn him into a transient President, Basescu has thought it over and he has changed attitude, at least formally. He has left the impression that he is a head of state fond of respect for the Constitution and of his role as arbitrator.
There are two...   (26 afisari)
Condemnation of communism is duty
546 public personalities and 8 NGOs signed an appeal initiated by Sorin Iliesiu, a vice president of the Civic Alliance. The document addresses the Parliament of Romania and the Parliament of Europe, demanding that there should be adopted "all the laws effecting from the conclusions of the Report elaborated by the Presidential Commission to Analyze the Communist Dictatorship in Romania", the lustration law included. The Appeal was mailed to Hans-Gert Pottering,...   (27 afisari)
Political passion
This is the week of political passion. The main players on the public stage are getting ready for decisive events that will be highly important to Romanian politics.
The Romanian PM is to come up with a new government structure in order to meet the claim of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party). And such a decision is not at all easy: a government with no PD (Democrat Party) representatives could cost him his PM seat, since the PSD may go for the making of a national government...   (27 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Bucharest diplomacy is prisoner of President-PM war
Romanian diplomacy has become the prisoner of the war between the President of Romania Traian Basescu and the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, France Presse comments, outlining that Romania has been without a foreign minister for six weeks now and without ambassadors in 18 states.
The Romanian press uncovered last January that the US forces in Iraq had retained two Romanian workers accusing them of intelligence. But at...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Ultimatum for interior minister is up
The deadline that Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu set for the interior minister Vasile Blaga to resign was up yesterday. It was Cozmin Gusa, leader of the PIN (national Initiative Party), who announced it yesterday.
Gusa reminded that last Wednesday the Romanian PM had asked the interior minister to resign because of not having signed the government ordinance postponing the elections of MEPs in Romania or he would be revoked. According...   (21 afisari)
Vosganian: No more 'smart guys'!
The pressure used to get energy contracts disadvantageous to the Romanian state has ceased. This is what Voarujan Vosganian, a Romanian minister of economy and commerce, claims. He says there are no more 'smart guys'.
Yesterday he commented in press conference: "Ever since I was appointed a minister last January I have got not phone call meant to influence prices or the energy policy." According to the minister, the number of preferential...   (27 afisari)
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