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  Nr. 3881 de vineri, 16 martie 2007 
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Referendum on the Constitutional Court
Most controversial political initiatives have got in the habit of complaining to the Constitutional Court. Almost any initiative regarding terms of power or authority gives birth, one way or the other, to passionate interpretations that prove impossible to reach consensus in the political arena. Sooner or later, the allegedly wronged party addresses the supreme constitutional instance in search of the truth, of the undeniable 'truth'. Until the...   (21 afisari)
EU starts checks
Franco Frattini, a vice president of the European Commission and an EU Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, is to arrive to Bucharest today in order to talk to several Romanian officials.
He is to meet with Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu first and then deliver a speech at the Conference of Central and Eastern European Schools of Magistracy. The EU officials is also to talk to the interior minister Vasile Blaga, the Justice minister Monica Macovei, the...   (27 afisari)
Krichbaum: Safeguard clauses may strike back
Gunther Krichbaum, a rapporteur for Romania of the CDU parliamentary group in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Parliament, warned last Wednesday that the application of the safe guard clauses on Romania might strike back unless Romania intensified reforms. The German official claimed that the political crisis ongoing in Romania was jeopardizing the implementation of reforms. Unless Romania hurried with the reforms, he argued, the activation...   (18 afisari)
President is up to surprise
The President of Romania Traian Basescu summoned the leaders of political parties to more consultations. Presidency spokeswoman Adriana Saftoiu announced yesterday that the head of state had invited the heads of parliamentary parties to the talks scheduled for next Tuesday, March 20.
According to the spokeswoman, the consultations are meant to reach a solution to settle the political situation, to intensify the institutional reform and also to...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Interior minister under watch
PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu commented yesterday that the accusations expressed by ex chief of the DGA (General Anti-Corruption Department in the Ministry of Internal Affairs) against the Romanian interior minister Vasile Blaga were worrying.
The Romanian PM announced he would analyze the situation and might decide to demand the governmental control body to check on the case. Tariceanu announced he would be waiting for the preliminary elements and,...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
How much is the President?
The Ceausescu syndrome is haunting Romania's roads. The President and the PM are fighting by means of official cars. To drive President Basescu to a 20-kilometer destination costs more than 1,000 Euro.
During the violent events in December 1989, a group of officials in the Ministry of National Defense thought about providing special protection to Iliescu and this is how the SPP (Guardianship and Protection Service) emerged. But ever since then the...   (23 afisari)
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