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  Nr. 3876 de sambata, 10 martie 2007 
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The dismemberment
The political crisis ongoing in Romania has reached the most dangerous stage. What may follow is not the restructuring of the government, as announced, but its dismemberment. And I know what I am talking about. Ever since the summer of 2005 I have kept on claiming that the early elections Basescu wanted were no longer possible or positive. In the summer of 2005 it was the first time I estimated that there might follow not parliamentary, but presidential early elections,...   (34 afisari)
One single energy market
Upon his return from Brussels yesterday the President of Romania Traian Basescu announced that in the spring reunion of the Council of Europe they decided to establish one single European energy market, which might call for cheaper gas and electricity.
The President mentioned: "The main decision in the document adopted by the Council of Europe is on the making of a single EU energy market." He explained that in the 27 member states there would soon cease to be...   (27 afisari)
Priorities for EU-US relations
The President of Romania Traian Basescu was satisfied yesterday that the European Council settled the priorities of the EU-US relations in the document adopted. He commented on it in the press conference he held together with the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu after yesterday's session in Brussels.
President Basescu argued: "Each human being has got weaknesses. I would remind you about views claiming that the President had something with the US and...   (30 afisari)
Pay your membership fee!
A huge scandal burst out in the PNL (National Liberal Party) branch in Gorj yesterday because of a video recording showing the local Liberal officials' meeting that leaked to the press. According to this recording, Dan Ilie Morega, a leader of Liberals in Gorj is in the habit of asking his Liberal colleagues who head some decentralized institutions for money to be used in the Romanian Liberals campaign for the elections of MEPs.
The money Morega thinks the PNL...   (25 afisari)
Government won't take responsibility to pass uninominal vote
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced yesterday that it was no appropriate solution for the government to take responsibility in the Parliament for the uninominal vote, the way the Democrats wanted. He claimed more consensus was needed, in his view.
He reminded that the Liberals together with the NGOs had worked on a project that had reached the Parliament. He commented: "This is no news. There will...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Assistance for citizenship law
The President of Romania Traian Basescu announced in yesterday's press conference in Brussels that he had decided to ask the European Commission for assistance on the last details regarding the citizenship law in Romania.
He explained he didn't want a law convenient to Romania to harm the EU states' interests. The head of state mentioned he had decided it last Thursday and claimed it was about the fact that EU states, including Romania, had to...   (32 afisari)
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