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  Nr. 3874 de joi, 8 martie 2007 
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Things get complicated
President Basescu's move was really shrewd! I don't mean his idea to invite parties to Cotroceni Palace, allegedly for consultations on the uninominal vote referendum, which he had been hasty enough to request. I mean the way he took a step back and left the battlefield out of the blue, after undermining it stormily. And now he is waiting for the political groups to pick fights or at least to have irritated debates on the issue. This is how the head of state is...   (31 afisari)
Musca leaves Parliament
Deputy Mona Musca announced yesterday that she was resigning from the Parliament and from the PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party) too, because the Court of Appeal reached verdict that the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) decision, according to which Mona Musca had collaborated with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania), was fair. Her decision to resign is premier in Romanian politics. She is the first Romanian...   (33 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
President's servant
-- Daniel Morar, a prosecutor-in-chief of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), is keeping the 'Fleet' case away in exchange for presidential favors. It is only his signature that is missing from the indictment against President Traian Basescu.
The High Court of Justice returned the DNA the case because of flaws in the document informing the court. Ioan Amarie, formerly a head of the PNA (National Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office), didn't sign the...   (28 afisari)
Basescu: Romania's policy won't change
-- The President of Romania Traian Basescu mentioned yesterday that he knew about the Chishinau government's statement demanding the EU should redirect Romania to "the normal course" of good neighborhood relations. The President announced Romania's approach to the Moldovan Republic would stay unchanged.
When asked for an interpretation of the Chishinau government's statement, the President replied: "I am not interpreting it. I am just learning the news....   (34 afisari)
President to decide on referendum in one month's time
The President of Romania has managed to impose the electoral system reform onto the Parliament, at least for a while. Except for the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party), the heads of parliamentary parties promised to promote a law on it by the end of this parliamentary term. The head of state is to decide whether he drops the referendum on the uninominal vote or not in one month's time, after consultations and after the Electoral Code Committee's...   (16 afisari)
Too relaxed for Brussels
-- Brussels authorities have warned Romania about the need to improve the state of the budget, which isn't safe enough to avoid the reference of 3% of GDP.
The European Commission analyzed yesterday the programs on convergence to the Euro area sent by Romania, Bulgaria and Latvia.
Joaquin Almunia, the EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, has expressed concern that the above-mentioned states are considering a relaxation of fiscal policies at times...   (29 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian President attends Spring European Council
The President of Romania Traian Basescu is to attend this spring's European Council in Brussels today and tomorrow. It is the first reunion of the kind Romania has attended as member of the EU. The head of state has also been invited to attend the EPP summit.
According to Presidency Administration, the main issue under debate for the Spring Europe Council is the EU energy policy, including the use of it as instrument to control...   (27 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian Treasure exists
Yesterday afternoon Mugur Isarescu, a governor of the National Bank of Romania, presented the Romanian President the brief of documents on the Romanian Treasure in Moscow, housed by the central bank.
Governor Isarescu told President Basescu that it was the irrefutable proof that the Treasure was in Russia. The head of state replied that he knew from reports that the Russian party denied that document. But Isarescu said the Russian party denied the right...   (28 afisari)
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