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  Nr. 3873 de miercuri, 7 martie 2007 
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Presidential intimidation
Yesterday the Public Ministry presented report on the achievements made in 2006. It was one more opportunity for Traian Basescu, President of Romania, to make a show in front of the largest assembly of prosecutors he had ever attended. His precise purpose was to criticize journalists and the businessmen fueling some press companies too, companies allegedly using journalists to pursue certain interests. It is about interests inconvenient to Basescu, which he...   (28 afisari)
Case of Damocles
-- The Public Ministry presented report yesterday on the achievements made in 2006. Hundreds of prosecutors attended the meeting, together with journalists, the Justice minister Monica Macovei, the interior minister Vasile Blaga and members of the Superior Council of Magistracy. The President of Romania Traian Basescu attended as well.
He criticized journalists one more time, accusing some of them of connections with businessmen and politicians, effecting in media pressure...   (25 afisari)
Voiculescu's scenario
-- Dan Voiculescu, a president of the PC (Conservative Party), claims that a criminal vase against PM Tariceanu is being plotted so that he would be suspended. He argues that Theodor Stolojan has got the bless from Cotroceni Palace to take over the Romanian government. According to the Romanian Conservatives' leader, the case is on the retechnologization of the Portile the Fier power plant, achieved at the time when the Romanian PM was a minister of industry.
It is surprising...   (27 afisari)
ZIUA and Pottering for unified Europe
-- ZIUA launched yesterday the Romanian version of Hans-Gert Pottering's book 'From Vision to Reality. On the Path to European Integration.' It is a volume made of the political speeches delivered by Hans-Gert Pottering, president of the European Parliament. The latter official attended the event taking place in the largest festivity room of the Parliament, together with Romanian MPs, diplomats and journalists.
The Romanian foreign minister Mihai-Razvan...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
US evaluates human rights in Romania
Although the Bucharest government has been more careful with human rights in the last years, in Romania there still persist serious problems with life in prisons, discrimination against the Roma people, sexual minorities or people suffering from AIDS. This is the conclusion expressed in a report authored by the US State Department in 2006.
The judicial system worked independently in 2006, but it enjoyed no public trust in its ability to...   (31 afisari)
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LATEST - In Brief
Court of Appeal: Musca collaborated with ex Securitate
-- Bucharest Court of Appeal dismissed yesterday Mona Musca's appeal against the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) decision, according to which the ex Liberal had been involved in political police activities.
Yesterday's decision of the Court is final and irrevocable and therefore it may no longer be appealed against. Court members decided that Mona Musca had participated at political...   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian PM belittles importance of government restructuring
The restructuring of the government is neither a political nor an organization need and a plan on a new governmental team is now priority. This is the opinion the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu expressed yesterday, arguing that the Democrats had been using the issue to assail the Liberals. (...)
Marko Bela, a president of the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania), approached it differently, claiming that...   (20 afisari)
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