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  Nr. 3871 de luni, 5 martie 2007 
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PM quite alone and the "Golden raspberry"
Basescu - "alone against everybody" is a legend. He's the outlaw a bit rough who takes from the rich and gives to the poor. He's the musketeer who laughs at risks and, who, wearing only in a shirt, a mandatory white one, is fighting a duel with all the cardinal's guards at a time. He's also a lonely cowboy, a little bit addicted to drink, a little bit of a womanizer, but who does not hesitate to crossfire with a whole gang of ill-doers so that...   (32 afisari)
The battle for the Euro-parliamentary elections
In the name of respecting the date of the elections for the European Parliament, PD (Democratic Party) attacked on two fronts yesterday. On one hand, the Democrats asked the chief of State to postpone the uninominal referendum, and on the other hand they said the Commission against Basescu should be suspended until the representatives of the Constitutional Court gave its opinion. Two major leaders of the party, close to president...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu's mole
ZIUA is in possession of a report drawn up by a foreign intelligence service that has monitored the Romanian interest games in Necolaiciuc affair
The CFR (Romanian Railways) ex-director, wanted for a fraud of almost one billion EURO, was taken out from Romania by one of the intelligence services now loyal to Traian Basescu. Mihai Necolaiciuc ran to Austria via Bulgaria in 2004. He was last seen at the US Embassy in Vienna on June 1st, 2005. He lived for a while...   (49 afisari)
Marko Bela, reelected at the head of the Union
UDMR (Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania) leader Marko Bela was reelected, on Saturday, at the Congress of the alliance, president of UDMR for the next four years. He became, thus, the chief of a party with the longest life in the post-communist period, following the C. V. Tudor "Tribune".
After 13 years at the head of the Union, its sole candidate Marko Bela came before the Congress with a message of unity, which didn't lack radical...   (30 afisari)
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Journalists before traditional gypsy court
A gypsy court lacking consistency in both substance and shape has tried journalists
Romanian journalists were called, last week, before an unconventional court: a gypsy trial. The initiative, which belongs to the non-governmental organization Romani Criss and to the Press Monitoring Agency, turned out to be a real vendetta. The gypsy Stabor (traditional court that operates on the basis of unwritten rules, but strictly observed) didn't...   (34 afisari)
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