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  Nr. 3862 de joi, 22 februarie 2007 
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A successor for the recuperating president
Traian Basescu is very present on the small screen. He isn't missing one talk show or one channel. He speaks up every time he pleases. But he doesn't want to do it every time, but just when he has to protect famous Elena Udrea, although it is he who pushes her from behind. The 'third note' is the exception. This wasn't plotted in the very clever political lab of Cotroceni Palace. It was ZIUA who produced this third note. But even when he isn't...   (23 afisari)
Constitutional Court defeats anti-Basescu Coalition
The Constitutional Court decided yesterday that the Parliament's consent to a simple motion against a minister doesn't demand the PM to dismiss the respective government member. Judges also agreed that the texts meant to rectify the referendum law were unconstitutional. The opponents of the Romanian Minister of Justice Monica Macovei deny the decision and they claim the latter minister is anyway no longer enjoying support from the Parliament....   (25 afisari)
Insulting each other live
-- The President of Romania Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu voiced accusations against each other, every of them claiming the other was the liar. It happened during a TV talk show on Tuesday evening.
They assailed each other mercilessly, expressing severe accusations. Tariceanu claimed his phone calls and written notes had been normal signs showing concern, whereas the President's had exceeded constitutional norms. Basescu phoned at once, accusing the...   (21 afisari)
Indictment on energy privatization case is almost ready
-- The inquiry on the strategic privatization of energy companies is about to be completed. Stamen Stancev, Vadim Benyatov Don, Dorinel Mucea, Radu Mihai Donciu and the ex Romanian minister of economy Codrut Seres are all charged in the case.
Prosecutors from the Department for Investigations on Organized Crime and Terrorism started yesterday to present the documents on the accused and the case is to reach court soon.
The first to...   (31 afisari)
Bucharest authorities gave a hand to sabotage release of Ilascu group
Romanian senator Ilie Ilascu, who has recently been granted his Romanian citizenship back, claims that in 2001 he was working on a force operation to free three members of his group from the prison in Transdniestria, the BBC informs.
The plan was dropped because of Valeriu Pasat, formerly a chief of the Intelligence and Security Service in the country on the other bank of the Prut River. He is said to have asked Ioan...   (21 afisari)
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Exhume Ceausescu!
-- ZIUA is opening campaign to decipher the mystery on the execution and burial of the two dictators.
17 years after the Revolution there are more and more voices claiming that Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu weren't buried in the Ghencea cemetery. There are even some state institutions that have fueled the suspicion. The Cemetery Administration, the Ministry of National Defense and various courts refuse to have the coupled disinterred.
Gelu Voican Voiculescu,...   (33 afisari)
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Ministers' phone calls indirectly intercepted
George Maior, a chief of the SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service), answered the questions asked yesterday by the parliamentary committee members. According to the SRI official, the institution sent the same information notes to both the President and PM of Romania, but not notes on phone calls.
Still sources from the parliamentary committee to check on the SRI claim that behind shut door Maior admitted that the phone calls of persons...   (20 afisari)
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Liberals work on project to withdraw Romanian troops from Iraq
Liberals Teodor Atanasiu, Radu Stroe and Norica Nicolai announced yesterday that the PNL (National Liberal Party) was working on a Parliament decision project to demand that Romanian troops should withdraw from Iraq. Liberal MPs are also going to initiate procedures to rectify the law on Romanian troops' participation in operations on other states' territories so that the Parliament's consent to such participation...   (21 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Printul Harry, militar in Irak (108 afisari)
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