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  Nr. 3856 de joi, 15 februarie 2007 
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Basescu under boycott
As predictable, Traian Basescu delivered a speech aimed at diversion, in his desperate attempt to divert the attention of the parliamentary majority getting ready to suspend and dismiss him. He tried to change the public agenda the way he pleased. Boycotted by the MPs in the opposition and also by some representative of the political force, Basescu tried to cause new crisis and prevent or at least postpone the intensifying procedures meant to drive him away from...   (33 afisari)
Counter referendum
The President of Romania Traian Basescu responded yesterday to the threat that there would follow a referendum against him, due to the Parliament's spectacular proposal. The President suggested there should be held a counter referendum so that citizens would express opinions on the whether the uninominal vote should be used in the coming elections for MEPs or not.
By yesterday's political move the President actually tried to fool the Parliament. But his proposal is...   (29 afisari)
Politicians comment on President's intention
-- Sabin Cutas, Conservative senator: "Diversion"
"It is clear to me that he is trying to prevent the referendum meant to get him dismissed. It is diversion. We have got hundred thousands of support signatures, but we had no support in the Parliament."
Marko Bela, president of the Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania: "Populist and anachronic"
"The President's idea is populist and anachronic. At least this time President Basescu should have...   (29 afisari)
Romania's right to vote in the Council of Europe may be suspended
MEP Claudio Fava, head of the temporary committee of the Parliament of Europe investigating the alleged CIA operations in Europe, elaborated the report which MEPs passed yesterday. There were 270 amendments coming from the EPP, the European Democrats and many more other more MEPs, especially those from states the report is rather critical of.
The representatives of the Council of Europe and the European Commission attended...   (24 afisari)
Minister Macovei lost because of the Democrats
Because of the Democrats' disinterest in the Romanian Justice minister Monica Macovei, the simple parliamentary motion against the latter got under parliamentary debate. The PD (Democrat Party) leaders should have noticed that the Conservatives' parliamentary initiative looked like motion meant to sack the minister. Had they protested against it in due time, Democrat senators would have made Senate president Nicolae Vacaroiu take attitude...   (25 afisari)
Counteroffensive with minority government
Except for the PD (Democrat Party), parliamentary parties are plotting offensive to counter the President's initiative to have referendum on the uninominal vote.
Parliamentary sources from different groups claimed yesterday that SMSs started to circulate and urge mobilization in order to support a minority government to no longer include the Democrats. But the real mobilization will be starting next week, "Monday or Tuesday".
Sources...   (23 afisari)
President suspended means elections for MEPs postponed
In yesterday's meeting with the Romanian PM the representatives of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) and the PC (Conservative Party) pleaded that elections for MEPs should be postponed till autumn because of the present political context.
It was the PSD president Mircea Geoana who put the proposal and he got support from the PC and PRM leaders. The representatives of the PD (Democrat Party)...   (24 afisari)
Investors prefer Romania
The Ernst & Young research released yesterday shows Romania as the most attractive destination for investments in South Eastern, Central and Western Europe.
Foreign investors consider advantages such as the low cost of well-qualified labor force, the low tax on profit, the productivity growth potential, the availability and low cost of locations and more. Still managers list some week points too: the poor state of telecommunication and transport infrastructure,...   (28 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Scoala dupa Hardau (8060 afisari)
 Basescu sub boicot (3807 afisari)
 Contra-referendum (3302 afisari)
 Macovei a pierdut pe mana PD (3182 afisari)
 Groaza pe Nil (2917 afisari)
 Democratii reclama furt la votul motiunii anti-Macovei (241 afisari)
 STEAUA - FC SEVILLA 0-2 (188 afisari)
 Steaua joaca pentru finala (74 afisari)
 Mici copii (Little children) (69 afisari)
 Procesul lui George Copos a fost suspendat (52 afisari)
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