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  Nr. 3855 de miercuri, 14 februarie 2007 
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Macovei undesirable
The Romanian Justice minister Monica Macovei got the most severe sanction possible from the Parliament of Romania. The Senate reached a decision yesterday, a decision actually disqualifying the minister for her mandate's failures. But it was predictable. Still Monica Macovei won't be so dignified to resign simply because this is not in her nature. But what will the government do? Will they dismiss her? If not, isn't there a fatal parliamentary motion against the government...   (31 afisari)
Justice minister to be sacked
The representatives of the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) betrayed the Coalition yesterday, when the senators voted for the Conservatives' parliamentary motion against the Romanian Justice minister Monica Macovei. Tariceanu has got a choice to make: he either dismisses Macovei or faces parliamentary motion against the government.
Since there is a total number of 73 votes from the opposition, it is obvious...   (26 afisari)
Nicolai criticizes Fava report
Senator Norica Nicolai, head of the Senate committee investigating the alleged CIA detention centers in Romania, announced yesterday that the committee's report would reach the Permanent Bureau of the Senate next week.
The senator is thus replying to the accusations included in the report drawn by MEP Claudio Fava, a document expressing regret that the report achieved by the Romanian committee had been kept secret, except for the conclusions.
Nicolai...   (19 afisari)
Romania assailed from north, east and west
Assailed by its neighbours in the East and having no feasible national strategy on foreign affairs, Romania has failed almost all the regional diplomatic projects. The announced expertise on the Eastern area hasn't been impressive: the EU representative for the Transdniester conflict is a Magyar-origin Dutch citizen and the EU special representative to Chishinau is a diplomat of Hungary.
The Communist officials in Chishinau are seeking support...   (39 afisari)
For fear of press
The solution to the case of the two Romanians arrested in Iraq has still got many dark sides. State institutions (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Presidency Administration, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Ministry of National Defense and the National Intelligence Community) participating in the release of the two Romanians imprisoned in a US base in Iraq for three months are hiding from the public the truth about this crisis with international connotation. The information...   (19 afisari)
Autonomy test is legal
The test on the autonomy of the Secui (Magyar-origin minority in Transylvania) County isn't illegal, it is just a test and, according to the law, it cannot be interpreted as a referendum because it doesn't meet the legal requirements. This is the view expressed by the President of Romania Traian Basescu and the Coalition leaders Monday evening. Last Monday the Liberals and the Democrats claimed that the referendum of the CNS (National Secui Council) was unconstitutional....   (25 afisari)
MPs to shut up and listen to Basescu
The MPs aren't going to debate on the President's speech today. The Permanent Committees of the Parliament decided to summon a common session of both Chambers for today at 5:00 p.m. in order to meet President Basescu's request that he should deliver a message on matters of Romanian politics.
Social-Democrat deputy Ioan Muntean commented after yesterday's session: "Given this, we may have no debate in the Parliament to analyze the contents...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
General Attorney demands verdicts to Revolution and Coal Miners' Attack cases
The General Attorney of Romania Laura Codruta Kovesi demanded that verdicts should be reached in two the cases on the 1989 Revolution and the Coal Miners' Attacks in June 1990.
Kovesi expressed her demand in the meeting with Sorin Iliesiu, a vice president of the Civic Alliance and author of the open letter sent to state authorities, NGOs and international institutions. 256 intellectuals and General...   (29 afisari)
POLITICS - In Briefs
PLD wants affiliation to EPP
Representatives of the PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party) met yesterday with Gunther Krichbaum, rapporteur of the CDU-CSU for Romania, and they expressed intention to get affiliated to the EPP. This is what Gheorghe Flutur, a provisory vice president of the PLD, mentioned yesterday.
Flutur said that together with Valeriu Stoica he had had an informal meeting with Gunther Krichbaum, presenting the latter the state of preparations for the approaching...   (23 afisari)
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