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  Nr. 3854 de marti, 13 februarie 2007 
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At war with the Parliament
The conflict broken out between Traian Basescu and most of the Romania's senators and deputies becomes sharper and sharper and turns into a war. This has started especially since, as he is on the verge of being dismissed from office, Traian Basescu made the imprudence to defy the Legislative members, accusing them of joining the delinquents' side. Being called on to apologize, he answers by a very courageous gesture; that is he asks, according to the constitutional...   (37 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Hanged game
-- Strategy of the coalition against Basescu: A Committee to keep hot the president's suspension, without submitting it right away to the plenary meeting of the Parliament or to the Constitutional Court
The investigation committee is to analyze the 25 counts of indictment PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has drawn up and to decide whether the continuation of the suspension procedure is necessary. Meanwhile, Basescu's enemies would come out to all broadcast news, with all...   (30 afisari)
   (33 afisari)
The Gojdu topic, rediscussed
President Traian Basescu claimed yesterday, after the meeting with his Hungarian counterpart, that the debates on Gojdu topic should be "somehow" taken over, but he said he and the Hungarian president concluded that the matter strictly depended on the Governments of the two countries. He also recalled that the Romanian Parliament has not adopted the Treaty concerning the set up of the Gojdu Foundation in Budapest. "The opening of this subject was necessary from...   (29 afisari)
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