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  Nr. 3851 de vineri, 9 februarie 2007 
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Gambling to sacrifice
The appeal Calin Popescu-Tariceanu launched, by which he asked the president not to violate the constitutional norms any longer and the opposition to postpone the suspension proceedings, may be, by its effects, a stroke of genius. If we make a connection between this unexpected political move and the categorical tone by which the same Tariceanu, this time as the PNL (National Liberal Party) chairman, rejects the vote of censure launched against the minister of Justice, Monica...   (30 afisari)      1 comentariu
A motion against Macovei
"The lie - the truth of Macovei justice" is the title of a simple motion 64 PC (Conservative Party), PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and PRM (Great Romania Party) senators have submitted to the Permanent Bureau of the Senate House. The text by which they ask for the dismissal of the minister of Justice Monica Macovei on account of the "lack of reform in this field" is to be debated upon by the senators next Tuesday.
The signatories of the simple motion have accused Monica...   (21 afisari)
Bloom Scandal, to explode in the USA
-- A civilian and three US officers and have been accused of having used funds meant for the reconstruction of Iraq "as if they were their own ATM"
US Justice has announced, this week, the institution of legal proceedings of four American citizens - three US reserve officers and a civilian - accused of involvement in a vast fraud network aiming at Iraq's reconstruction program. The businessman Philip Bloom, with both Israeli and US citizenship heads this fraud...   (30 afisari)
American arrested in Bucharest
-- Romanian authorities have seized Michael Morris, an internationally sought after, charged in the USA with fraud in the file regarding the Iraq reconstruction
American businessman Michael Morris, internationally sought after by the authorities in Washington for fraud, in the file regarding the Iraq reconstruction, has been placed under arrest for 29 days, through a decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeal. The US authorities try to obtain his extradition to have him...   (28 afisari)
The Parliament wants apologies from Basescu and PSD might go to the wall with the suspension proceedings
-- The leadership of the two Parliament Chambers felt offended by the president's statements according to which there are "politicians who do nothing else but laws for the delinquents"
The Parliament asked yesterday president Traian Basescu, in a statement, to publicly apologize for the "unacceptable accusations" he had made last Tuesday, at the DNA (National Department against Corruption) evaluation...   (13 afisari)
The avidity of EvZ
-- Michael Ringier's daily has won tens of thousands of Euro from a media campaign faked in favour of ALENIA AERONAUTICA Comp., controlled by EPP (European People's Party). The liaison person is the Democrat minister of Defence
The bidding organized by MApN (Ministry of National Defence) for the purchase of seven short-medium courier aircrafts turned into a huge scandal also at a diplomatic level. "C-27J Spartan", produced by the Italian group controlled by Berlusconi, has been...   (24 afisari)
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