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  Nr. 3843 de miercuri, 31 ianuarie 2007 
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PNL wants the President suspended
The ZIUA prediction has confirmed 100% and even earlier than expected. The Democrat Party will be approaching the elections for the Parliament of Europe separately from the Liberals. The Democrat Party trusts its lucky star and is relying on polls and also on the engine Basescu can play, if he continues to behave like a president player. Can we take the breaking of the Alliance Protocol as imminent? How will the PNL (National Liberal Party) respond...   (29 afisari)
LATEST - In brief
Church as target
-- Any analysis of the "Communist Regime and Religious Cults" chapter in the Tismaneanu report can see ill intentions, ignorance and manipulation belonging to the experts in the presidential commission and meant to nail the BOR (Romanian Orthodox Church).
In order not to miss their targets, report authors gave objectivity up to chase only the compromises of Orthodox officials and patriarchs in particular. Unlike the BOR, the other Churches are protected and pictured...   (26 afisari)
Europe doesn't care about ongoing crisis in Romania
-- Jose Barroso, President of the European Commission, said after yesterday's meeting with the President of Romania Traian Basescu that Romania wasn't the only country housing democratic political debates. He opined that what was going on in Bucharest was "turbulence normal in democracy".
The EU official described the terms between the European Commission and Romanian authorities as normal and he mentioned no problem could be noticed.
President...   (27 afisari)
Well meaning Barroso
-- Yesterday Barroso was so well meaning that he mentioned the very important economic and political contributions of Romania's accession to the EU, praising Commissioner Leonard Orban and his efforts worthy of elogy.
As expected, yesterday we could also hear a very diplomatic reference to the need to improve the capacity to assimilate structural funds. But no urgent matter or concern about the activity of Romanian institutions entitled to it was uttered. As he is in...   (24 afisari)
Alliance dead and buried
PM Tariceanu warned the Democrats yesterday that the PD (Democrat Party) wasn't the only solution of political collaboration for the PNL (National Liberal Party) and he insisted that the Democrats' latest action, ordered from Cotroceni Palace, will "bury" the PNL-PD Alliance for good. The PNL president Calin Popescu Tariceanu said it after the meeting with the Central Political Committee of the party and the Liberal MPs, held in Sinaia.
The Liberal leader explained:...   (25 afisari)
Liberals want elections for MEPs postponed
Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, president of the Chamber of Deputies, suggested that the PNL (National Liberal Party) leaders and the PM should consider the idea to postpone elections for MEPs, given the latest initiative to suspend the President of Romania Traian Basescu.
The Liberal explained by press release: "I think the postponement of MEP elections is necessary, since politicians are talking about opening procedures to suspend the...   (17 afisari)
President surprised
The President of Romania Traian Basescu was surprised to hear yesterday about the attitude of the Liberals in deputies' juridical committee as far as the modification of the referendum law was concerned. The President commented it was up to the Liberals themselves to join the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party), the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PC (Conservative Party).
Basescu argued that the action meant to suspend him as President was democratic if...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
One single authority to intercept phone calls
-- Yesterday while in Sinaia the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu pleaded for a fast reform of the intelligence services, arguing that the latter had "great power in Romania."
Romanian Liberals will send legislative projects to the Parliament so that there will be established one single authority to watch the services' interception of phone calls. The Liberals will also make a special parliamentary control committee to watch the intelligence...   (20 afisari)      1 comentariu
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 PNL vrea suspendarea (4246 afisari)
 Presedintele Bancii Mondiale umbla cu sosete rupte (4047 afisari)
 Biserica tinta (3284 afisari)
 Devoratorul de eleve (3139 afisari)
 Aforismele apocrife ale lui Cornel Dinu (2125 afisari)
 Basescu: Voi face declaratii de politica interna la Bucuresti sau in aeronava spre Bucuresti, care e teritoriu national (518 afisari)
 Romani deshumati la Tighina (137 afisari)
 Autoritatile sustin ca au pastrat "discretia" asupra romanilor retinuti in Irak (134 afisari)
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