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  Nr. 3834 de sambata, 20 ianuarie 2007 
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Romania in the world: Where to?
Yesterday President Basescu presented the priorities of Romania's foreign affairs policy in front of the ambassadors accredited to Bucharest. There was nothing or almost nothing new in the President's speech. The main ideas are unchanged: the integration in the European Union, the energy resources, the Black Sea, Romanians worldwide and Romania as active NATO member. Insistence on these issues looks like a question as subtle and firm as a written note:...   (21 afisari)      1 comentariu
PM dismisses ANAF head
-- Yesterday the Romanian PM dismissed Democrat Sebastian Bodu, head of the ANAF (National Agency for Fiscal Administration). The official reason is Bodu's "misleading public opinion on governmental measures by means of public statements". But unofficially this decision effects from the political vendetta between Romanian Liberals and Democrats. There are official sources claiming that PM Tariceanu is waiting for the PD (Democrat Party) to recommend another person to...
   (23 afisari)
Minister against justice
-- The International Federation of Journalists, the most powerful international organization of mass media, has criticized minister Macovei's attitude, because the latter said neither ZIUA nor the ZIUA director Sorin Rosca Stanescu had the right to criticize the Ministry of Justice, since Sorin Rosca Stanescu was under criminal investigations. Aidan White, president of the IFJ, has commented the minister should have kept silent to the good of Justice.
The ordinances...   (22 afisari)      1 comentariu
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Adversaries of democracy
-- (...) Yesterday the AMP (Press Monitoring Agency) joined the NGOs criticizing the unconstitutionality of the emergency ordinances stealthily adopted at the end of last year, documents that increase prosecutors' powers.
The AMP comments that the Romanian Justice officials' response to public reproaches is no soothe, but on the contrary, it causes more concern.
The Romanian Justice minister Monica Macovei claimed last Thursday that that the amendments...   (15 afisari)
Enlargement and development at the same time are achievable
-- In yesterday's meeting with foreign diplomats accredited to Bucharest the President of Romanian Traian Basescu explained the agenda of Romania's foreign policy after the accession to the EU.
The Moldovan Republic is one priority in Romania's European agenda, together with the Constitutional Treaty and the energy. Romania's foreign affairs policy has got more priorities for the post-accession era: cooperation with the NATO, partnership...   (16 afisari)
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Presidency releases ALRO memorial
-- The Romanian Presidency released yesterday the memorial the ALRO Company had sent to the President of Romania. Adriana Saftoiu, a spokeswoman for the Presidency Administration, said the ex economy minister Codrut Seres could have unveiled the document, because he knew it was not secret. (...)
Stolojan offers explanations
Theodor Stolojan, formerly the Romanian President's adviser, explained yesterday that the ALRO had addressed both Presidency...   (19 afisari)
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EU is interested in "pink or yellow" note
-- The EU Multilingualism Commissioner Leonard Orban mentioned yesterday that the latest Bucharest debate on the crisis emerging because of the Romania PM's note for the Romanian President was being carefully analyzed by the European Commission.
Orban said during press conference: "Very careful analysis by the European Commission is going on, but the response is not fast. There are debates and political disputes in all the EU states. The...   (19 afisari)
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Barroso: Scheele is clean
Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, claims the Commission has got information that Jonathan Scheele, ex head of the European Commission's Delegation to Bucharest, has not been involved in any corruption affair.
This is Barroso's reply to the letter written by Lavinia Sandru, vice president of the Pin (National Initiative Party), asking him for explanation on last year's rumors in Romania, voicing Scheele's alleged involvement...   (20 afisari)
     1 comentariu
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