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  Nr. 3831 de miercuri, 17 ianuarie 2007 
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Sleeping with the enemy
Given all its ramifications, more or less voluptuous, and all the boudoir spicy talk, the "Udrea" scandal tends to close a too vicious circle. Control minister Cristian David confirmed yesterday what ZIUA had uncovered: state institutions, the RAAPPS (Self-governing Department for Administration of the State Heritage and Protocol) one of them, had signed contracts with some advocacy companies, many of the latter being part of the political clientele. In 2002-2004...   (71 afisari)      1 comentariu
Get the bribe back!
The Government's Control Department released yesterday the outcome of checks on the juridical assistance contracts of the RAAPPS (Self-governing Department for Administration of the State Heritage and Protocol) in 2000-2006. According to the report, all the contracts were in keeping with the law, but they were signed on grounds of procedures disobeying free competition principles and the transparent use of public funds, with no means to show the way of deciding on payment....   (25 afisari)
The money vampire of Bran Castle
Aristotel Cancescu, president of the District Council in Brasov, seems determined to become part of the legendary sale of Bran Castle as a 'vampire' sucking public funds. By overpricing the world famous castle to 60 million Euro, Cancescu wants to push the Romanian Ministry of Culture to give up the preemption right three years before the evaluation is completed by a team of experts assigned by the above-mentioned ministry and also by Dominic Habsburg, owner...   (45 afisari)
No CSAT consent to national security laws
The CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense) sent the national security law projects back to the government without consenting to them. Radu Stroe, a general secretary of the government, announced it yesterday.
Given this, the Liberal minister claimed, it was most likely that the projects should be sent to the Parliament. Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, president of the Chamber of Deputies, said they were welcome. He promised that in the first meeting...   (17 afisari)
Romanians abroad want to return home
Most Romanians employed abroad plan to return to Romania after short periods of time and most of the money sent to their family comes from those who leave the country for longer periods, shows a World Bank survey.
More than 60% of Romanians working abroad leave for short periods and about one fifth spend a longer time abroad, still they plan to come back, according to this research titled "Migration and Money Transfer: Eastern Europe and the Ex Soviet...   (29 afisari)
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Kovesi needs complaint
-- The Romanian General Attorney Laura Kovesi says that for the time being it is unknown whether the note exists or not, just as the contents of it are unknown.
Kovesi explains that Elena Udrea's statements can be investigated only if there is a complaint against them. Late last week Elena Udrea, formerly a state adviser of Presidency Administration, said that senator Radu Stroe had asked her for support to become a minister of defense or a chief of the Romanian...   (17 afisari)
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DNA prosecutors open investigations against Miron Mitrea
DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) have opened checks against Miron Mitrea, concerning alleged corruption crimes related to the exchange of lands in Baneasa Quarter in Bucharest. The recently started inquiry will also search on Sorin Ciobanu, head of Baneasa Airport. (...)
The Utilitary Aviation SA accuses that Miron Mitrea refused to carry out an irrevocable decision to release a certificate to show the company's...   (15 afisari)
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Interdiction for Miron Cozma
Miron Cozma said he wanted to leave Romania if paroled. But prosecutors investigating the case on the coal miners' attacks in June 1990 will come up with surprise for him: interdiction to leave the country.
The Court decided to parole Cozma, but prosecutors appealed against the decision and the Bucharest Court is now to reach verdict. The ex lead of coal miners told magistrates that he was thinking about going abroad, as member of an international...   (16 afisari)
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Voiculescu blames it on Basescu
Dan Voiculescu, president of the PC (Conservative Party), comments that the delays in his trial versus the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) are the Romanian President's attempt to bring political intimidation at times preceding the electoral campaign.
In yesterday's press conference the PC leader claimed that the President of Romania Traian Basescu, formerly a ship commander, couldn't stand people...   (35 afisari)
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 Spaga inapoi! (2469 afisari)
 Primul transplant de uter, de la proiect la realitate (304 afisari)
 DIICOT ne prosteste in fata (274 afisari)
 Romani arestati la Chisinau pentru ''Unire!'' (181 afisari)
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